LJ interest sheepage

May 03, 2006 13:22

LJ Interests meme results

  1. brian montgomery:
    He will forever be my Erestor. According to some sources, the lovely young man quit modelling in favour of studying veterinary medicine. One more reason to envy cats.
  2. doll making:
    I once did a window decoration for the CD release of a band which was made out of three knee-high rats, each fully dressed and including instruments. I sewed on these bloody rodents for WEEKS!
  3. eoas:
    Elf On A Shelf. I don't know what drove me to create that website - I guess it was the observation that the LOTR fandom took itself a wee li'l bit too serious at times.
  4. fan fic:
    It's fun, innit!
  5. glorfindel:
    I'd still love to know where "rogue Glorfindel" came from! Who was the first to write him that way?
  6. lise myhre:
    Lise draws Nemi. Come on, who could NOT love someone who draws a character who is looking up "Peter Steele nude" on the internet and takes the scruffiest christmas tree home because "outsiders have to stick together"??!?
  7. master erestor:
    *looks in mirror and runs away* One of the first mails I received after beginning to write "The most boring life of Master Erestor of Rivendell" was: "It's very tacky to call yourself after a Tolkien character. I'm telling you in all friendship, you will not last long in this fandom with such an attitude. It's one of the things the fandom frowns upon."

    In case the fandom still frowns: I still don't care. ;-)
  8. nonfindel:
    When I was first was presented with the sight of Sandro Kopp as self-declared "Glorfindel", I thought: "Eh - no." Furthermore, the grinning Elf next to Elrond was "Nonfindel".

    It became a running joke, and gave me the inspiration for writing "Nonfindel", the hippy-Elf. I think of all the Elves I write, Nonfindel is the one closest to Tolkien's picture of Elves - he is silly!

    Needless to say, some fans of Sandro Kopp were not amused and thought I was mocking their idol, sending me mails to express their outrage and demanding the stories to be taken down. Because, like, Sandro really IS an Elf. They were worried that their idol's fragile artistic ego could be destroyed by learning that a fictional character called Nonfindel ended up living in Mirkwood WITH A KING.

    Hey, I wish people would destroy MY ego by sending me off to Mirkwood to live with Thranduil! And as far as I could see at Ringcon, Mr Kopp's ego is still intact. Absolutely.
  9. potc:
    Wheeeee! Part 2. NOW!
  10. soap bubbles:
    Nothing brings back your childhood in such a lovely way.

    I'm forever blowing bubbleeeeeees...

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