Things American Companies need to know about Switzerland, Part I:

Apr 05, 2006 14:43

The way the minds of Swiss customers work are very - odd, at times. And very conservative. Products that are smashing successes in other countries tank here quickly, and why? Because... well. Read for yourself....

How Dr. Pepper went to Switzerland and got lost on the way

Dr. Pepper CEO (USA): "Rejoice, oh Switzerland! We have decided that we will get you out of the softdrink stone-age and come to your country!"

Dr. Pepper CEO (CH): "Wow! Cool! Fantastic! We best start promotion immediately! I have some great ideas how to..."

Dr. Pepper CEO (USA): "Promotion? What for?"

Dr. Pepper CEO (CH): "Well - for Dr. Pepper?"

Dr. Pepper CEO (USA): "Why would we need to promote Dr. Pepper? Everybody knows Dr. Pepper! Everybody loves Dr. Pepper!"

Dr. Pepper CEO (CH): "Not in Switzerland, I'm afraid..."

Dr. Pepper CEO (USA): "Nonsense! Dr. Pepper is an American institution!"

Dr. Pepper CEO (CH): "Hmyeasure, but it would sell better if it was a Swiss institution... people are rather conservative..."

Dr. Pepper CEO (USA): "But so are we! Stop worrying, sales will skyrocket!"

--- some weeks later ---

Dr. Pepper can: "Wheeee! Whooohooo! I'm over here, buy meeeee!"

Swiss customer 1: "Dr. Pepper? Good grief, what is that?"

Swiss customer 2: "Never heard of. Wait, Pepper... doesn't this mean - pepper?"

Swiss customer 1: "Pepper? They put pepper in softdrinks? Ewwwww..."

Swiss customer 2: "Nuts, these Americans. Could you pass me two bottles of Coke, dear?"

Dr. Pepper can: *looks puzzled*

--- even more weeks later ---

Dr. Pepper can: *is bored*

Swiss customer 1: "Look, they still sell that pepper-drink."

Swiss customer 2: "I think it's still the same can."

Dr. Pepper can: *bats lashes and hopes to look attractive*

Swiss customer 1: "Oh, they added some information... let me see... 'America's oldest softdrink, from Texas'..."

Swiss customer 2: "Texas? That's where Bush is from, right?"

Swiss customer 1: "I don't know. Is he from Texas?"

Swiss customer 2: "Yes, and I bet he holds shares in the Dr. Pepper company."

Swiss customer 1: "Huh. Could you pass me two bottles of Coke please?"

Dr. Pepper can: *cries*

--- and even more weeks later ---

Dr. Pepper CEO (USA): "Don't say a word."

Dr. Pepper CEO (CH): *clamps lips*

Dr. Pepper CEO (USA): "Don't even look at me."

Dr. Pepper CEO (CH): *tries not to look*

Dr. Pepper CEO (USA): "Start that bloody promotion campaign in Switzerland already! TV adds! Cinema! Posters! Advertisement!"

Dr. Pepper CEO (CH): *nods and hurries out*

Dr. Pepper CEO (USA): *opens bottle of Coke and takes a swig* Aahhhh... I so needed that... bloody Swiss..."


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