"Happy period day?" - so stupid it's a pleasure to read

Sep 12, 2005 11:30

"You have the right to make it the best period it can possibly be. And we're here to help. Have a happy period!" - always (TM)

There are many daft websites out there, no doubt. I've seen a good number of them. Some made me angry, some made me shake my head. But there has hardly ever been one that amused me to the extend this little beauty here does. I suddenly feel overcome by the wish to line up Tampax and Always packs on the street and set fire to them. >:-)

I think it's very important that there's a place where young girls can look up information about things they'd rather not discuss with their parents. Periods and all to go with it is certainly one of those thingies. If they are lucky, they have a great mum who will approach the matter at hand with great sensitivity, if they are unlucky, they are told "don't make a mess", and that's it. So a little bit of "outsider" information can be useful, and I compliment those who provide it.

Alas, do they have to do it in such a moronic way?!?


"Being Girl" is a website run by a major manufacturer of pads and tampons. Well, I guess these folks have to market their products as well. But do they have to do it in such a completely idiotic way? Wait, I'll give you some examples:

The pad-o-meter will "empower" you to see that all the negative side-effects of your period are not negative at all, it's just your negative approach. Yes, the cramps, headache, nausea, all your fault. The pad-o-meter will put things back into proportion:

"Bloated": no, you're not. You are "curvy". Got that? Curvy. Curvy good. Bloathed bad. You might feel bloated, but you look "curvy". And it's the looks that count, not what you feel. The sooner you learn this, the better.

"Crampy": now come on, stop the whining (which is not whining, but, according to the POM, "selfawareness"). You are "in tune with your body". How could anybody not be in tune with her body while howling in pain and cringing like an earthworm for two days? Nothing gets you more in tune with your body than pain. Look at it from this angle: it's a monthly preparation for the birth of your statistical 1.34 children.

Wait, wait, it's getting better. What could be a better way to cheer up a friend in need (=cringing under the force of being in tune with her body) than send her a Happy Period E-Card?

The message of the cards is very modern and up-to-date: your period is "high-maintenance time", and best battled with shopping. Or polishing your toe nails. Or eating chocolate. Or a lot of other typical womanly things to do. I tend to become very do-it-yourselfy and run around the flat repairing things that need repairing, write some daft stories or rake the dry leaves in the garden. I guess I'm not in tune with my inner chick.

Then we have the most splendid Dr. Iris Prager, who eagerly answers all the questions young girls have sent her. No, seriously, Dr. Iris must get laundry basket's full of mails and letters every day.

Her advise is bullet-proof - if you suffer from being-selfaware-of your-bodyness (=cramps), go buy some painkillers. Or take a warm bath. Or see your doctor. She uses the term "cramps" all the time, so, who knows, maybe girls DO have cramps?

My favourit advise was the one she gave to a girl who worried about using tampons while going on holiday camp:

"It places like camp, counselors and other campers usually encourage tampon use and do help anyone who needs to learn."

Ha! Hands up those of you who would have gone up to your TEACHER or whoever was in charge at school camps and asked "Hey, Mrs Pfonzheimer, could you show me how to insert a tampon?" Ok, might have been fun to do, just for the entertainment factor, but duuuuude...

Doc Iris signs all correspondence with "Good luck--Iris, for Beinggirl.com created by Tampax, Always, and Alldays", just so there are no missunderstandings who pays her wages. If she exists at all. And if the letters are real.

Ah, there is so much to see around this website - make sure to enjoy your trip. And always remember:

"Being a girl is like being part of a club where everyone knows what you're going through…at least on some level. Girls have fun. Girls have opinions. Girls have a lot of questions about stuff like PMS, dating, their bodies and even serious subjects like addiction and abuse - just about anything you can think of that has to do with being a girl."

Yes, girls can never learn early enough that addiction and abuse have to do with being a girl.


stoopid websites, howl, links

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