Reminder: Auction #3, original drawing by Jason Secto (Orophin)

Sep 07, 2005 23:30

Question: "I really want this picture, but could I pay in installments? Are there interest rates?"
Answer: Yes, you can. I'd just like to keep this manageable, so I'd say three "installments" (=individual payments to the Red Cross) are the limit. No interest rates, of course - good grief! We're not NatWest! :-D

Question: "Is it possible to split payment between several charities?"
Answer: Of course. If you prefer half of the auction price to go somewhere else, please do so. Just make sure to send us all the receipts.

Question: "Is the drawing original or a copy?"
Answer: I drew it myself... naw, of course it's an original. If you have a closer look at the pictures, you will see the texture.

* * *

And because I enjoy annoying my friend-list with reposts and because I have absolutely no shame when it comes to fundraising, here we go again:

From an anonymous donor, we have the following amazing drawing on auction:

JASON SECTO ("Orophin")

This auctions is set up on EBAY - you can get there by clicking on any of the pictures. See payment instructions - same as always: payment not to us, but to the charity directly.

This auction takes place with full approval and support of Jason Secto (thank you!)

Please herald and trumpet this auction where ever you can.

Highest bid is currently at USD 41.00


jason secto, charity, katrina

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