I got mail... and a headache...

Aug 10, 2005 22:44

Ladies and gentlemen

You will be pleased to hear that I'm on the road to perdition and that I'm taking your souls with me.

I guess you are as surprised as I am to learn about this upcoming journey, so I'd like to express my thanks to Mrs. Rebecca Ally Somethingorother, called "Becky", for pointing this interesting fact out to me.

Sometimes I really wonder what kind of people lurk on my LJ. By now it should be clear what I like, what I don't like and what I think. Is it possible some folks come here just to get upset once a day?

Little did I know that posting the link to the vampire movie below would rattle Miss Rebecca's cage and that she heard the voice of Jesus, ordering her to write me a mail with THE CAPSLOCK OF DOOM and Random Capitalisation.

Miss Rebecca thinks that I'm basically a good person. She likes my stories, because they are so funny and nice, the good always wins in the end and all my characters have such a great family sense. Actually, my stories are full of Christian moral. She can even live with the slash, because it's fictional. In real life, she doesn't approve of homosexuality, but she "hates the sin, not the sinner".

How generous.

But my real life! She's terrified! Not only do I "chastise" my dad in public "for being a Christian", I'm also not aware of my responsibility for the masses (means: you).

Because you, dear masses, are "young and vulnerable". And as you "hero-worship" me (hey, just quoting here) it is "impossible" for you to "see the demonic deception" in my evil deeds (means: posting links to websites about vampire movies and pictures of nekkid male butts).

Miss Rebecca was already seriously concerned for my (and your) wellfare when I posted the "motem" pictures some weeks ago. Enjoying the view of handsome nekkid men is the first step on the road to damnation.

Miss Rebecca pointed out to me that the pictures were "sexual perversions". I guess she was slightly overwhelmed by the size of... but let's not get into this.

The music I'm listening to is "nihilistic" and "destructive", in short: "Blasphemy and vulgarity and rape are encouraged by your Satanic music."

Darn it. My evil plot has been busted. There they go, my dreams of world-domination and power. I shall now go and play a CD by Rammstein, Type O Negative or, if I'm in a really cruel mood, Engelbert Humperdinck, and sacrifice a rubber chicken on the altar of Satan.

Or maybe I just go and get myself a pizza.

Erestor (succubus in disguise)

rant, zelotes, morons, idiots, music

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