
Mar 22, 2005 22:09

ladies and gentlemen

I'm tired of the snarky comments on the tagboard, of the "intelligent insults" between the lines and the constant attempts of trying to force people into doing something they don't want to do or don't feel comfortable with.

if your heart longs for trouble: have fun.

but not on my website. not in my lj. not anywhere within my reach.


my tagboard, my rules. these rules are followed, or you will be banned. my website is cuba, and I'm fidel castro, to say it with chris judge.

here are the new rules for the tagboard. I'll update the website today and open it for posting again. rules are non-negotiable. if you want to stay: fine. if you want to leave: fine as well.


1. role-playing has to be based in the EOAS universe. this means the following pairings are "canon" and must be respected. this aside, do as you please.

erestor/glorfindel, orophin/elladan, namo/elrohir, celeborn/melpomaen, thranduil/nonfindel, gil-galad/amaris, elrond/elcallon, rabbit/haldir, galadril/rúmil etc.

the EOAS universe is placed in the 3rd and 4th age. the only elves who have returned from the halls of waiting are glorfindel, gil-galad, amaris and orophin.

2. the only one to snark on the board is me. thinly veiled attacks on other posters will be rewarded with one warning and then banning.

3. it's a game. we play. if you can't play (play. you know? having fun. play. PLAY.), go somewhere else.

4. don't take everything too serious - that includes yourself and your characters.

should these new rules not manage to move people to get their heads out of their backsides, I will follow a good friend's advise and make the tagboard non-roleplay. and should all these measures fail, I'll close the bloody thing down and go my merry ways.

thank you.


rant, fandom, eoas, doofus

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