"and what is frienditto"?

Mar 05, 2005 16:50

warnings about this website have popped up left and right on LJ, so I thought I write a line or two on what it is and why you should stay away from it just like a vampire from garlic:

frienditto offers "archiving" services. this means that you can enter an url of a LJ entry and frienditto saves it on their website. some sort of mirror-LJ, you could say.

"so what?" you ask.

well - this website makes "friends locked" a joke. because everybody who can read your friend-locked entries (well - your friends!) can submit any given post they can read (yours, theirs, somebody elses) and thereby put it up for the public to read - and mock. they can do so anonymously. you will never know. and as long as this person is on your friend-list, frienditto publishes your friend-locked entries (and all other entries this person can see).

first: anybody giving out username and password like this is quite obviously not the brightest bulb on the tree and deserves all inconvenience resulting from this. especially as frienditto reserves the right of PUBLISHING all personal information about you. paid your LJ account with your credit card? yes? and used frienditto? yes? congratulations. they got your data. wheee!

second: do not, ever, under any circumstances, write anything in your LJ that could seriously get you in trouble. not even under the very special super-friends friends-lock. nothing is safe. don't risk it.

some people have folks friended for the sole reason of mocking them behind their backs. so it's only a matter of time till the first "revenge" post will show up on frienditto in which it is revealled that lucy X thinks her supposedly best friend linda Y is a cow and that she has an affair with her husband. or that author X thinks author Y is a whiny drama-queen. or something. do you hear the warchants already...?

no matter how big the temptation might be to expose the less pleasant individuals out there who might bitch behind friends-lock about one of your mates (or yourself!): don't use this service, show some class.

for further questions: http://www.livejournal.com/users/lori/430544.html#cutid1

journalfen.net has banned frienditto from accessing their servers. why LJ is not doing the same is beyond me.

end of service announcement.


rant, fandom, doofus, blogs

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