six apart bought LJ

Jan 06, 2005 12:01

and of course this is all for the best, everybody profits, critics over-react, we will all love it etc. etc. etc.

I read the announcements, I read the news, and I'm no happy camper. under 13-year olds are now allowed to get a LJ, if their parents agree. can't wait for the first hypermom to cry for The Authorities when little nutley fins his first adult fan fic or a LJ with "inappropriate content".

we are told not to worry about LJ becoming plastered with banners... so what to make of this part of the new TERMS OF SERVICES?

XII. # ADVERTISEMENTS AND PROMOTIONS has decided to remove all banner advertisements and promotions on journals. However, reserves the right to run advertisements and promotions on the service in the future. By using, you agree that has the right to run such advertisements and promotions with or without prior notice, and without recompense to you or any other user. The manner, mode and extent of advertising by on your journal are subject to change. You agree that shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such advertisers on the Service.

as an european user, I'm also very fond of this little thingy here:


Recognizing the global nature of the Internet, you agree to comply with all local rules regarding online conduct and acceptable Content. Specifically, you agree to comply with all applicable laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside.

those of you who have a LJ solely for replying and reading, not for actually posting, will certainly appreciate this little stinker:


You agree that, in its sole discretion, may terminate your password, journal, or account, and remove and discard any content within the Service, for any reason, including and without limitation, the lack of use, or if believes that you have violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of the TOS. Any contracts, verbal or written or assumed, in conjunction with your deleted journal and all its parts, at's discretion, will be terminated as well. may also in its sole discretion and at any time, discontinue providing the Service, or any part thereof, with or without notice. You agree that any termination of your access to the Service under any provision of this TOS may be effected without prior notice, and acknowledge and agree that may immediately deactivate or delete your journal and all related information and files. reserves the right to bar any further access to such files or the Service. You agree that shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your access to the Service. Paid accounts that are terminated will not be refunded.

I have no doubts that brad actually believes this is a Good And Fantastic thing. but the rules of business show that "merges" are usually "taking-overs", and while service may continue for a while longer the way we are used to, but eventually, things will change. that's the way these things work, for the better or the worse, we shall see. I have serious doubts about all this.

the "serious" bloggers see LJ as the sandbox of "angst-ridden teenagers". blow them, we know there are other people here as well. LJ is not a blog, it's a community. it's not about pos(t)ing for some unknown reader, it's about posting for our friends. we have formed communities and friendships, cyber-families, even. does six apart understand this concept? do they see that such a web can be easily destroyed?

we all know what it's like when you discover that fantastic indie-band hardly anybody knows about, and you and your friends enjoy their music for six months. then they are suddenly the hype of the day, and every girlie with a britney poster on the wall listens to this band as well and thinks it's "hawt".

the band is still great.
you still like it.
but you hate that it has become part of something you never wanted to see it associated with. and from my point of view, this is what happened with LJ.

there is nothing we can do about. we can only wait and see. but it is frustrating to see that nothing is save from corporation. six apart is not microsoft, of course. but it's not us, either.


PS: does anybody know of a program which would help me to download the content of my LJ? just in case? the old IE used to have this function. any help would be appreciated.

rant, article, blogs

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