of doves and ravens / von tauben und raben

Nov 14, 2004 20:32

and now all about the exhibition:

the themes of the exhibition are mysticism, superstition, beliefs, rites etc. - something which, of course, is of great interest to me. however, my participation in this project was limited on doing the website and oooing and aaaing over the artworks during all development stages and to provide claudi with cheesecake and coffee.

what can I say - it was a full success! the gallery, a former gravel production plant (does such a word exist?) is one of those project carried by one artist's dedication. the gallerist, volker, is a painter and sculptor himself. artist-run spaces might be a little chaotic (have you ever met an organised painter...?), but there is more dedication behind them (my personal opinion.)

in any case the place was perfect. the artworks are placed between the old machines, and as it was very cold, we made a big fire in one of the old chimneys. markus' dad and his mum had brought pumpkin-souop for the guests and mulled wine, and we had a small bar on the piano, with drinks and cake.

this is what the rooms looked like before the artworks were put up:

I can tell you more about everything once the pictures are back showing the artworks. but the four artists managed to handle the theme perfectly, and having four artists agreeing on one project without any fur flying in the process - that's quite an achievement in its own! ;-)

brigitte ("bernhard b.") who is an active christian, chose the ten commandmends. she took ten pictures of herself, representing each of them with a term she chose. for example "gentleness" instead of "you shall not kill". the photographs were touching, not only because of their beauty, but also because they were so personal.

marc showed some of his sculptures. he worked with plaster and patina as well as metal, and his work fit in perfectly in the room. more about this once I get the pictures.

claudia is a glass artists, and she made various necklaces and beads representing the various myths and legends. there was atlantis, for example, held in blue and white with seashells, or (my personal favourite), "muerta", the mexican one, colourful, bright and happy, just the way all saints day is treated in this culture. also "friday 13", a bracelet in black, red and white, showing the various aspects of superstition. lots applause all around.

mäkk our very own cartoonist. for this exhibition, he worked in acryl and with lonoleum cuts (I have NO idea what the proper expression for this is, but I hope you will understand). there were the riders of the apocalypse, "dance of the death", and the core piece, a giant chessboard, which you can see in the picture below.

it was taken from a newspaper article, hence the bad quality, but I hope it will give you an impression (and you get to meet my friends):

from left to right: marc, claudia, brigitte and mäkka

it was great to see so many familiar faces again, friends of old, artists, family, strangers - it was a good evening with good people. had a long, very good discussion with brigitte about christian beliefs and her personal stance. she's a beliving christian, and has left her community when she got together with her girlfriend. she said that she would have lied by denying her love for her, and that would have been against the laws of god. for her, god is love, first and foremost, and refusing love would be refusing god. I told her about the discussion we had here on LJ lately. as I said: it IS possible to get along. both brigitte and her girlfriend are dearest friends of mine for a very long time already.

also got encouragement for my own little "art" (please note the " ") project, which I hope to showcase by the end of the year. it's called "kinderspiel" ("child's play") and it's more entertaining than "deep", but well, that's what and who I am. it won't be as entertaining as knitted penises, though...

anyway, I'm babbling, and I have to upload miss rat's latest chapter.


private, art, mäkka

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