The pre-Christmas posting

Dec 22, 2006 02:00

Greetings, loyal subjects, followers, and slaves!

Oh, wait... that's for when I get appointed Dean of Music. OR for when I find someone who actually wants to date me. ;)

Speaking of which: going through GayCanada the other night (I stop in once every couple of weeks or so, just in case), there was actual mail! Yes, a mass mailing inviting me to a Christmas social... which had already happened. Not the end of the world that I missed it, but it might have been interesting to see who all was there.

It was far more interesting to see how some people's profiles had changed, and all the partnered people who are looking for "sex, casual or ongoing." *snerk* There was even one profile worth responding to, more out of curiousity than anything else... I have my suspicions about who it might be, and I'm wildly curious to know if I'm right.

Maybe I'll get an actual date in 2007!

Other than that, the seasonal cards have been sent, the last recitals have been attended (and enjoyed), the shopping and wrapping and decorating is done... and I'm no more interested in celebrating Christmas now than I was at the beginning of the month. It's just considerably more blah this year than usual, and it looks like I'll be making it through the season without liquid support. *sigh*

On the bizarre side, I spent last Sunday evening at my uncle's house for a family dinner. What makes it bizarre is that this particular uncle (and his wife) spent about 10 years or more not speaking to me OR my mother... then out of the blue he called mom last week to invite her to this quasi-party. And then called back to make sure she knew I was invited, too. *shakes head* People are funny, and families are whack.

It was a nice time, though: everyone kept their alcohol consumption within limits (the other uncle, who drinks almost professionally, kept it down... I gather he's been cutting back over the past couple of months), no one was rude, no one got all upset and pouty... do you suppose my family's growing up?

Part of the sobriety of the event was the pretty sure knowledge of which family member is going to die next: my cousin with galloping MS. She nearly pegged out at the end of November, and I think everyone is just waiting for her to decide it's time to go. I suspect she'll be gone early in the new year, which will be sad, but not unexpected. She's been able to enjoy a lot in the last three years or so, and been out to a couple of family events, where she had a marvelous time, so everyone's memories will be happy ones.

My, isn't that a gloomy set of reflections for this festive season?

Now that I've got huge amounts of free time on my hands, I whipped off a couple of quick cross-stitch things to go into Christmas parcels, and started a new one for myself: one of Theresa Wentzler's dragons. (Google her and check out The Story Teller; it's amazing.) I've already done The Castle, and Above the Clouds is sitting on my embroidery stand for future reference; there are quite a few more of her patterns I'd like to get my hands on. Fortunately, I have a neighbourhood framing shop - one of the owners did his apprenticeship with my original framer - that doesn't mind hanging things until people can afford to pay for them, AND they know what her designs are like to work up.

Now if they'd only start giving me a discount....

I suppose that catches up everything interesting (and not interesting) in my life at the moment. A happy festive season to you all, no matter which holiday you celebrate. Me, I do 'em all... why pass up a good party?
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