My mentor teacher called me a "God Send" no less than 8 times today. :D It's so nice to be appreciated.
I know it sounds kind of conceited but I totally earned it. I taught an awesome first lesson that kickstarted my poetry unit. I got some kids who are totally scared of anything resembling poetry to get excited about it. Kids were coming in from recess and performing poems they'd written on the playground as they came in. It was awesome. That took care of the firs two periods.
My partner student teacher was home sick today so Rob was thinking that he would have to ad-lib his way through gym and computers today. But I had known ahead of time that Fatima would probably not be up to teaching gym today, even if she was here. So I planned a gym lesson to start off the Badminton unit and taught that. Rob, my mentor teacher was impressed. Then during prep I offered to take the computer lesson. I just took the kids through an extension of the poetry that we had done in the morning. I was taking their apparent natural enthusiasm and running with it. It totally worked.
The kids were a little chatty, as is to be expected coming back from a break. But I gave them a bit of a loose leash first thing this morning but by first recess I had drawn the line. Bless them they followed it all day. It was hard to keep them on it by the end but it worked. I bribed them with Shel Silverstein. Never let anyone tell you that bribery is not a useful tool when working with children. There is nothing better.
[Music| The popping noises from Facebook chat]
[Location|The Livingroom, watching Mike play X-box]