Busy is the Little Bee~♪♪♪

Mar 13, 2009 20:08

I made it through the entire semester of my assessment class without missing a single one. I swear, I am the only person who can say that. This was my thinking on Thursday when I decided not to go. Really, I figured I was entitled after sitting through four hours a week sitting in class and not learning a damn thing. So I cut the class. What happens? She teaches a full, high quality lesson on information not found in either the powerpoint slides or the textbook. Humph. Well, even though she said it was a secret for the people who did show up my friends gave me their notes and I got several people to explain the concept to me. So there Donna; so there.

I'm running out of parts of the condo to clean. That's what I do when I'm not studying to give myself a chance to get up and move around. The living room, kitchen, dining room, and bedroom are all spotless. I saved the bathroom for tomorrow so I'll have something to do. :P Seriously, I never thought I would be glad that the kitchen gets dirtied several times a day because Mike likes to leave dishes on the table.

Well, the living room isn't as clean as I would like it to be. The entire thing is covered in minis because Mike now has the largest private collection of Dungeons and Dragons minis in the city. Yes, Mike has managed to replace his D&D stuff... and then some. He has a friend that needed to get rid of his minis so he sold the entire collection to Mike for $2000. Yes, that sounds like a lot, but the collection is actually worth closer to $9000. Something tells me he won't be leaving this collection in the car. He's talking about complicated storage systems that he's going to buy once he starts his new job on Monday if he passes his final test. It's quite cute.

The studying itself is going well. I actually think I've studied more for finals since Wednesday than I ever have in a single semester to date. For starters, I've actually read the textbooks this time. I went to the viewing for my Assessment midterm to see which questions I got wrong and go over them with the professor. I've highlighted all the important parts in my notes. I've found flashcards in my e-textbook. Man, if I'd had these study skills back when I started University.... Desperation does wonders guys, I gotta tell ya.

That's it for now. Time to scramble my brain some more. Toodles~!

[Music| Metric ~ Help I'm Alive]
[Location| Standing at the Edge of the World]

all work no play makes jayde a dull girl, mike, exams, things are looking up, school

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