So today was a much better day of classes than last day. I can already tell that Tuesdays and Thursdays lol I totally typed that as Thrustdays at first. wtf In the morning I have Inclusion and in the afternoon I have Assessment, both of which are ed psych classes on how these practises can affect learning. The teachers in my Ed Psych classes are both riots! They are going to make these classes fun, I can tell already. Both of them are adorable!
I offered my services as a note-taker for some special needs students in my inclusion class. It seems somehow fitting that they needed note-takers for this class. Besides the satisfaction attained by helping a fellow human being, on the basis of which alone I would have offered to help, you get a letter of recommendation. Something tells me that would look good in a portfolio.
My friend is in one of my classes and an acquaintance of mine from MacEwan is in both. I like the girl from MacEwan. I have to do group assignments for both classes and if I work with her I get the feeling that I'll get good marks. She's incredibly intelligent and has a good work ethic. The other friend I might work with in the class I share. I don't know. She might have already picked partners. We're friends but not all that close in comparison to a lot of my other friends.
I got through the bookstore lineup in record time. I think I was in and out of the store in an hour. Last semester I think I was in the lineup for longer than that. All my textbooks were in the same aisle even, and they had all of them in stock this time. What a relief that is, let me tell you! $390 though, for textbooks for four classes. YEEOUCH!
[Music|The Stars ~ Take Me To The Riot]
[Location|At my work desk, where I can already tell I'll be spending a lot of time]