In Which Our Heroine Fails at Writing Essays in an Efficent Manner

Mar 16, 2011 01:52

I used to be really good at writing papers, and not even at the last minute either. Now I literally can't focus on them until it's, like, and hour away from due and I have to write something or fail. Why is this? Why can I not sit down, write a paper (or at least start it), and then bask in the glory of knowing I can relax for a few days because the work is done? Nerg. So frustrated with myself and my lack of ability to focus.

As should be evidenced by the fact that I have updated bit my LJ and my Facebook to gripe about my lack of focus on my paper.

It's a short paper! That's what kills me! This one is onlt 2-3 pages. I think maybe I'm overwhelmed by the fact that I have a 5-6 page paper due in this same class in a week and a different 2-3 page paper due in another class also next week. And this teacher is really awesome, but rather intimidating and I'm a little terrified of having her grade my papers. That could be it. And I'm really not into the topic. Actually, that's probably a lot of it.

This makes little to no sense. I'm going to bed now and will write the damn thing on the train tomorrow during my commute. So...meh.

english literature is my boyfriend, classes, babbling

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