"Pack up the luggage, la, la, la; Heigh-ho, the glamourous life!"

Jul 10, 2007 09:05

First off-book rehearsal last night. Yes, it is true: I do have the most goshawful bloody chunk in the whole play. It's a long string of nonsense numbers and stock market terms, doesn't advance the plot, and nobody cares. On the other and, if I manage to deliver it rght, it will be really funny.

Also, I get to wear my Urinetown dress again to play "Lady 1" at the end of the show. I love that dress, and of the four I tried on, it's the only one that Vickie liked on me that we thought fit well. (Maybe the fact that it was built to my measurements has something to do with that. XD) Anyhow, I'm happy about that.

I already hate the Astronomy class I'll be taking next semester, thanks to an evening of helping Tom with his homework for the same class. Oh well, it has to be taken, as there are no other science classes fitting the requirement which happen in that same time slot. Everything else either overlaps with Thea10 (which I need for my AA) or stage managing (which is way more important to me).

Oh, and if I didn't already mention...I am stage managing the play next semester unless told otherwise. Last I heard, it sounded like we'll probably be doing The Diviners, but I haven't gotten a definite "yes" on that from Wendy, so it could still be one of the other two they were considering.

And I was civil last night to people, despite the fact that the Ague struck this morning. Maybe it's because Tom, Jess and I didn't all go to a burger place after rehearsal, which is usually where I end up developing foot-in-mouth disease when OTR. I shall have to observe this phenomenon more closely in months to come.

I wonder if I can get away with starting my show bio as: "[My Name] is awaiting canonization as the Patron Saint of Lightboards after her work in the booth for LasPo's Macbeth and City of Angels." Wendy doesn't like coded messages, but this isn't reallt coded, and since I did leave a message on the Pope's voicemail, maybe...

tech, the ague, theatre, personal quest for sainthood, madwoman of chaillot, classes, stage managing

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