Why not...

May 17, 2007 00:04

So, I decided to do this meme everyone's been doing. Pass the time.

1. a is for age:
I'll be 25 in two months. Shit, I'm over the hill...

2. b is for beer of choice:
I don't like beer, but if I have to, I prefer the dark kind. Stout?

3. c is for career right now:
None. I'm educated in several different fields, but so far, no job. People my age have a really hard time finding work in this country.

4. d is for your dog's name:
Sure, rub it in, why don't you? I want a dog more than anything, but I can't afford one without a job. Have fantasies about a dobermann named Lucifer.

5. e is for essential item you use everyday:
Tooth brush.

6. f is for favorite tv show at the moment:
Supernatural, by far. Also hooked on Stargate SG-1 and eagerly awaiting the latest Project Runway to start.

7. g is for favorite game:
Ehm, I like all kinds of games. Any game with fun questions wins with me. I often play the Encyclopedia question game with my mom, and I rule at the movie questions. :)

8. h is for home town:
Sundsvall, Sweden. Lived in or near it most of my life.

9. i is for instruments you play:
Though I haven't in a while, I play the flute and the recorder, and a teeny bit of guitar and piano. I wish I played better piano, and I miss my flute. Don't dare use it for the neighbours.

10. j is for favorite juice:
Mostly anything freshly sqeezed with no added sugar is great. Orange and carrot are my faves.

11. k is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
My old art school principal. He's the DEVIL. Such a stuck up, arrogant piece of shit he needs to be taken down a notch. I'd kick him in his non-existent balls.

12. l is for last place you ate:
Right here, next to the computer.

13. m is for marriage:
Not yet. Maybe later, if I find the one.

14. n is for your name:
Diana. Pronounced Dy-anna or Dee-auna, doesn't matter. People call me both.

15. o is for overnight hospital stays:
I had a kidney infection when I was like four. That's the only time.

16. p is for people you were with today:
I'm unemployed, remember? I mostly only leave my apartment to go to the gym or buy food. So...I guess the grocery clerk who looks like Allison Mack (from Smallville). I talked to her.

17. q is for quote:
"House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole."

18. r is for biggest regret:
None really. All my choices in the past have lead me to who I am today. I don't regret being who I am.

19. s is for status:

20. t is for time you woke up today:
Doesn't matter when I set my alarm. I can't seem to wake up before 11.30. Then I watch some tv in bed until I'm awake enough to get up.

21. u is for underwear:
Red thong.

22. v is for vegetable you love:
I like most vegetables if they're prepared properly. Avocado is a fruit, right? Then tomatoes.

23. w is for worst habit:
Biting my cuticles. I'm a bleeder.

24. x is for x-rays you've had:
Never had one.

25. y is for yummy food you ate today:
Shrimp. Or "prawns" for you british people. :P

26. z is for the zodiac sign:
Leo. Rawrrr.


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