
Oct 15, 2006 22:56

I've had a bit of an artistic dryspell again, but it seems to finally be over. Last week I had a mental itch, and poof, this great drawing popped out. When I sit down and really focus on drawing, most of the time it turns to crap. I have to wait for these magical prods to my brain and doodle them down on whatever paper is available. Hence the messy binder full of fantastic pieces drawn on the back of bank notes, mail ads and old homework paper from grade school.

My drawings have been okay this week, but the painting is not going so well. I've had my entire kitchen table occupied with canvas paper and paint and brushes ever since I made the birthday paintings for dock_leaf and half_elf_lost several months ago, but I still haven't been able to start a new painting. No mental itch in that department.

At least I've started writing again. Got a sudden flash bunny that whisked through my brain, and was finally able to write a decent fic for monday_smut that I'll be posting tomorrow.

AND I've finally started writing the bunny that's been been bouncing around my brain for so long that it's gone crazy and started chewing it's own leg off. I first had this fantastic bunny for the rare/difficult pairings challenge in april, but I was stuck deep in another fic, and once that was done I didn't have the energy to start a new one. I've been re-writing and re-trying this bunny ever since, and I must have five different versions of it, but today I finally decided where to start and just began writing. I have most of it already outlined in my brain, so it shouldn't be too hard to get down. Trouble is, I'll probably become obsessed with finishing it, like I usually do. I'm only five pages in, and I'm already bouncing. It's past 1am and I should be in bed...

I'm just glad to have a bit of creativity back. Don't want to stop.


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