Nov 21, 2004 13:22
Oooo..this is quite a habit for me! Writing something then not writing something for months on. But I shall try my hardest to keep this going. If I don't, someone hit me in the face in a wet fish! :)
It was my birthday about a week ago (11th November) and it was okay. Nothing special really, just okay.
OO!! I also saw my favourite band too!! HIM!!!! That was on the 20th October! :D Man that rocked! After I saw them, I kept thinking it was a dream!!
*sigh* School is a pain in the usual. GCSE's soon and I want to get them outta the way even though I'm soo scared of them! O__O But I want them outta the way so I can move to another college and do A levels (Photography, Media, I.T and something else). My year 12 "friends" (apart from like..two) have abandoned me and sucks. I just wanna move on.
On a brighter note, I bought an Element hoody from Casino yesterday with my birthday money. Laura got some new Union trucks and also bought an Element hoody..but different to mine. We also met our friend George! XD He's so cool!!
I'll shut up for now :) xXxXxXxXx