Title: Our first summer
Fandom: Captain Scarlet
Characters: The Angels
Prompt: 063. Summer
Word Count: 1,647
Rating: PG
Summary: In the early months of Spectrum, the angels come to learn about themselves and each other.
Author's Notes: Written for 3sentence - set one.
Various references are to ‘All the colours of the rainbow’ by Chris Bishop.
01. Harmony.
On being assigned code name Chan instantly loved it; superficially it was a slightly ironic choice considering she was tone deaf, but of course there was meaning beyond that, and it seemed a good omen of things to come.
02. Manners.
Much as they all liked each other it soon became apparent that all was fair in love, war, and getting the caffeine fix.
03. Sync.
They all had such different backgrounds, but it was a pleasant surprise how quickly and easily they slipped into working well together.
04. Focus.
With the long stretches of uneventful time together it almost felt like they were at summer camp; but soon enough a drill would come and they would effortlessly slip into their assigned roles.
05. Leap.
It wasn’t never spoken about, but late at night one would invariable find another still awake or wandering outside, deep in thought; just because they’d signed up for this it didn’t make the transition any easier.
06. Park.
When she looked back on it, one of Rhapsody’s happiest memories of that time was the day the water restrictions had been lifted; and they celebrated by driving to the park in the nearest big town, and dashed between the sprinklers like children.
07. Ride.
After their first trip into town for supplies Destiny had turned to Melody, carefully uncurling her fingers from the seat ages and letting the circulation come back; then firmly reminded her that this wasn’t a race track, and her racing days wouldn’t be the only thing over if she drove like that again.
08. Cotton.
The only thing pinned to the notice board by Melody’s bed was a tuft of raw cotton, from her parent’s farm in Georgia; and she would take it down, to roll between her fingers, when she got homesick.
09. Candy.
The galley on base was always open to them, but they soon knew the best place to go for a sugar fix was the top drawer of Symphony’s desk.
10. Frosting.
She had to admit, while it was really good being ‘just us girls’, the captains arrival was the delicious icing on the cake.
11. Hair.
Symphony had been so insistent she’d never cut it, that it was almost a foregone conclusion she would eventually end up with a bob.
12. Hold.
Monthly deliveries from the supply plane were always a red letter day; they would eagerly clamber inside, to see what correspondence and packages of treats from home were tucked like Easter eggs amid the cargo of regulation issue kit.
13. Picture.
“No way, I’m keeping it, it’s a big occasion, one day you’ll look at it and really not mind,” Dianne insisted; but Karen had another look at her windswept hair in the photo and really doubted she’d ever happily live with that.
14. Movie.
There was no way under normal circumstances she would be caught dead watching this fluffy romantic drivel; but Melody gritted her teeth, savoured the popcorn, and stoically faced it for the good of the team while she mulled over what to make them all sit through in return.
15. Music.
The radio fell silent after five days, the DJs clearly only had four songs in their repertoire, and none of them wanted to listen to them; besides it was far more interesting finding out what albums the other girls had.
16. Paradise.
Never would Juliette have called a remote corner of the outback heaven; but doing a job she loved, with her new found best friends, and a contingent of handsome attentive guys, she had to admit it was pretty close.
17. Garden.
They’d ended up discussing what they missed most, and Rhapsody was surprised how easily her answer came; an English garden on an autumnal day, you couldn’t get further from that here.
18. Feather.
It was so exquisite and mysterious, found in a place she was sure no birds roosted; so Chan attached it to the letter to her mother, knowing that she would be able to identify and appreciate it.
19. Cloud.
As the sky became filled with grey like bruises, even the staunch atheist Melody began to pray for rain.
20. Dust.
In actually it was winter there, the seasons flipped, but you wouldn’t know it for the long scorching days and copper red dusty earth that loomed, swirled, and seeped into everything at the slightest provocation.
21. Wedding.
“Do you think we should be buying hats?” Rhapsody teased, across the room Symphony hung on Blue’s every word; in response Destiny only smirked, already aware those wouldn’t be the only predicted nuptials.
22. Band.
It had been fun until she noticed there was a stripe of untanned skin around his fourth left finger, and no ring; at that point Destiny had to cross the room from him, she wouldn’t be that woman.
23. Play.
They knew it was a serious endeavour they were embarking on, so for the time being they made the most of enjoying it.
24. Time.
She could never understand how the hours could whiz by when she was in the air, but drag so slowly on the ground.
25. Spent.
Seeing their first pay cheque with its Spectrum insignia was a novelty, and for Symphony a huge relief as she was almost overdrawn from buying hair stuff and furnishings for her new quarters.
26. Worship.
It seemed ironic for them to be dubbed the five angels, when four of them didn’t really believe in heaven.
27. Life.
This wasn’t a perfect life, far from it most of the time; but Dianne only had to imagine the alternative, the tedious high society she’d left, and felt it wasn’t so bad after all.
28. Pray.
Koala Base didn’t have a faith room, still being built apparently; but they didn’t mind, if anything Destiny preferred to go outside and find her own sanctuary.
29. Knees.
It was starting to become a habit, Symphony coming back with a wide easy smile and grit in the crevasses of her knees, but they knew better than to ask.
30. Zombie.
Harmony realised she really wasn’t going to get much done, and the only cure was a reviving cup of tea.
31. Skeleton.
When the burnt out old Cessna came to rest their first task was stripping it back to the carcass; the others thought it was a crazy pointless activity, but Melody and Harmony saw it as a challenge.
32. Closet.
After the fact they couldn’t have said which was more impressive; that Destiny had accumulated so many shoes, or that she managed to store them so well it seemed like they had vanished.
33. Space.
It wasn’t all bad here, Rhapsody reasoned, a short walk away from the lit buildings of the base and you got a perfect view of the night sky; what more could any stargazer could ask for.
34. Coat.
“Why on earth would they have issued us with thick jackets?” Rhapsody held up the offending garments, “I know it technically is winter here, but honestly if they just looked outside it would be obvious we have more call for sun block.”
35. Hang.
No one had said they were allowed to put pictures up, but Symphony could bear to keep looking at those plain walls, surely everyone was allowed a little home comfort.
36. Tang.
There weren’t many ready pleasures of this place; but she soon came to savour sitting by the window, sipping orange juice and watching the landscape.
37. Sour.
Melody knew that taking this job would add to the awkwardness between her and her parents, that she wasn’t living the life they envisaged for her; but she’d learnt long ago she would never be that person no matter what she did.
38. Grapes.
She was never going to be one for being won over by champagne and fancy stuff; but for Rick to find a bottle of grape juice, and suggest leaving it to ferment because that’s how they make wine, right? … Mag figured that was a pretty original and effective way to become her friend.
39. Palace.
‘Well it’s not exactly Versailles’ Destiny had thought, as she entered her quarters for the first time, ‘but it will become a good home’.
40. Maid.
She would never complain, because she knew how it would sound; but Rhapsody had to admit a serious downside of the base having a skeleton crew was needing to do all the chores themselves, she was really looking forward to their next posting, with cabin stewards.
41. Queen.
Rhapsody and Symphony were ruthless chess players; the others gave them a wide berth as they coolly competed to be the best.
42. King.
It was a pleasant surprise to finally meet Colonel White; he was everything and nothing of what they expected.
43. Prince.
From the rooms either side of Symphony’s quarters, typing could be heard long into the night; and her friends were in no doubt it was the 21st century equivalent of Karen gushing into a floral padlocked diary, kept close to her heart, about how her prince had finally come.
44. Princess.
Melody wouldn’t admit it, but on some level she found it hard relating her fellow angels; they were friendly and all, but just so, girly ... sometimes she felt like a frog in a battalion of princesses.
45. Tower.
After the guys showed up there was a definite change in the atmosphere; it made them feel like they’d been princesses in a tower, finally able to let their hair down.
46. Rescue.
Melody never thought anything in her life afterwards would come close to the elation of her getting off that damn island; but being accepted into this job, that was good as.
47. Knight.
While the other girls in her classes had dreamed of being princesses, Chan had always felt she’d rather be the one to go out and slay a dragon.
48. Pawn.
They weren’t stupid, they knew what people were saying about the politics and motives of recruiting an all female fighter squadron; if anything that drove them harder to be the best.
49. Consolation.
After the final entrance exam they sat together in the lobby, not speaking; knowing this was it, no chance of amendment or outside influence, and certainly no second best.
50. Prize.
The entrance exam was difficult as humanly possible, but she wasn’t going to give up, so kept her eye on the end result and breezed through it.