So its been a good couple of days..
Yesterday my contributor's copy of Off the Coast came, with 'Ritual for a Threshold' in it! I've always been rather impressed with this journal, the level of writing is really high, and I feel it is pretty high in this edition as well, I'm flattered they took one of mine.
For anyone interested it is the Summer
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On our way down Mt. Washington, last week, we encountered rock-hopping, slick stretches of stone to scale, and generally wet walking.
I just went out to Valley Forge Park, which is near me, though on Sunday I'm going to try to get out to Hawk Mountain if the weather is nice, which is great this time of year.
Mt. Washington & I go waaaay back. My family hiked it every summer in my teen years: Tuck's, Jewel, Ammonoosuc, the dreaded Huntington Ravine (once, just once), and Caps Ridge over from Jefferson.
This past time we took Caps Ridge to Washington's summit, and Lion Head back down. All told, it took us 11 hours with a party of 4 in varied physical condition. I'm proud to say that it was my strongest ascent of all time, teen years included. Next time, we want to take Boott Spurr, down. It's supposed to be gentle, and lovely.
What's your favorite way up?
Always a soft spot for Lion's Head though. Tuck's is usually tooo crowded!
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