Sep 26, 2005 23:49
So finally, due to neils request, I give you.. a text entry. Don’t be too disappointed, you narcissistic biotches. I know how much you love to look at yourselves. ;)
I guess I should start from the beginning.. Rush ’05.
I know you guys got play-by-plays from dana and paige but alas I will tell you anyway. Day one was fun. The rest was death. I got to a point where all I wanted to do when I got home was shower and talk online because that didn’t involve actually speaking.
My feet were torn up from the multiple pairs of cute shoes I wore for hours upon hours at a time walking for at least a cumulative I dunno.. 3 HOURS A DAY?! Not exaggerating. When we got rained on, my rainbows turned the bottoms of my feet completely brown. Hot. We were given coffee filters at the poorly “fanned” tents to wipe our sweat away but alas, they ran out far too soon. We weren’t fed. Some pi chi’s (leaders of rush, they disaffiliate from their chapter for rush week, they help you make decisions and just help you in general if youre lost or confused) came out with the slogan “Rush ’05: The New South Beach Diet”. One day, because of how many houses I had to visit (yes, all 7 for me), and the “bye” period everyone gets, and the rain delay, and the delay because of broward dorm catching on fire, I was there for 14 hours without food. How I didn’t pass out, I’ll never know. Some people got food, apparently there was pizza, but because I was trapped on a bus during the rain I missed the pizza. There were random tragedies, my favorite being the girl who got her mini fan caught in her hair about 2 minutes before needing to walk into a house.. pi chis going insane, trying to release the hair, repeating “scissors!! Stat! I need scissors!”, ripping their backpacks open spilling the contents all over the sidewalk just in time to find the scissors, cut it out, and allow the girl to walk up the steps and into the house. .oh my. Oh well. She had cute bangs on one side.. hahahaha. Aside from all that, I learned drinking songs, the greek alphabet through song, saw a million improv skits, learned random facts about people I don’t care about, all while sweating more than I have in my life while maintaining a flawless face. Ha.
Oh and you should read this: facebook group dedicated to our week long experience. You’ll laugh if you’ve ever heard those beer commercials. Oh and a PNM is a “potential new member”.
"Today we salute you, Trendy women going through recruitment. (trendy women going through recruitment) You endured the blistering heat because your Pichis ran out of coffee filters and your $5 fans broke (coulda bought them for a dollar at Wal Mart). Sure you never knew where you were going because your Pi Chi’s lost their signs or gave you wrong information but you loved them anyway because they fattened you with doughnuts and mints. (gained 10 pounds by bid day) Yet like a brave soldier, you have survived through rain delays, songs from the fourth grade, bus drivers from the loonie bin and fires. ( we loved seeing you in Pjs and slippers). And yes you may wish to never hear the words Alpha, Beta, Gamma and “It is different for every chapter” uttered again. (No cell phones ladies)
While others rest you can’t… because somewhere there’s a Pi Chi who needs to take attendance. So drink up your ice-cold water, master of flirting with girls, because somewhere there’s a PNM puking from dehydration.
Bid day was exciting, getting the house I was in love with and all.. and then finding out two people I knew and liked happened to join it too.. hooray! It was a good evening. I kinda had a freakout listening to all of the things we had to do and I was like “Omg.. why am I here.. this isn’t what I want.. what was I thinking.. why did I go through all that crap for nothing?!” But after another couple days and the nm sleepover I felt at home with the girls.. cause it is what it is. It’s a giant group of girls wanting to have a whole bunch of girlfriends to just commune with. Yeah, some are bitchy and catty. But there are so many more who are hilarious and kinda crazy and just.. off. In the best of ways. We’re just girls together. We share embarrassing stories. We compare notes. We discuss career stuff. We whine. We make fun of frat boys and each other. We laugh. It’s good stuff. Oh and my favorite is all of the old composite pictures on the wall of the house from like a million years aog.. there’s this one from the 80s, and theres one woman in it with a braided RAT TAIL. Lmao everyone knows/makes fun of her. Oh, Jacqueline Hoyt. I hope I’m not known from mine in 20 years.. I DEFINITELY had a bad sunburn when I got mine taken haha. Oh well.
The food is great, I love not cooking, and the socials have been fun so far. First one was White House | Black Market.. hot. Then we had a social with Delt which I didn’t go to because I was crafting. (we had to make a sign for our buddy of the week and then two matching cups, one for them and one for us.. they didn’t know who their buddy was and so at dinner on thurs they had to find the person with the matching cup and then they knew… cute) Plus the theme was dukes of hazzard and I didn’t want to match everyone else. And delt boys are kinda obnoxious from my experience. Yeah. And this past weekend was destination unknown.. they told us what to bring and to be at the house at 3am fri night(with a date) with no hint as to where we were headed.. we hopped on a bus and went to.. . six flags over Georgia!! Woot. It was funnnn. Got home around 2 am sat night. Good times.
I really do love it. It keeps me ridiculously busy.. I feel like I don’t do enough activities there and yet I do all the required things and I feel I have no time! Having 15 credits for the first time also isn’t helping. But whatev, I love busy. Crafting and partying and presents and bbqs and pregaming and girlfriends and dressing up and good food and new people make me happy. It better be worth paying for with my LOANS. Yeah thanks parents, for not telling me until AFTER I was in it and decked out with the t-shirts and bags and pictures and friends and activities to do that you actually WEREN’T going to help me out. Cool. What happens when I don’t get this big of a loan next semester because of my scholarship? Hm. But I’m fucking doing it anyway. Whatever. I’ll work my ass off over summer and probably get a job in the spring when things settle (no more “pledging”, no more football, etc).
So that’s Alpha Chi. PS we’re going with ZBT for homecoming. Can’t wait for pampering and socials and away trips and GATOR GROWL NEXT FRI!!! :)
Yeah it basically gets in the way of college. ;)
At first it was very chill but then I got slammed with papers and tests and quizzes up the asssssss. Had two tests already, countless quizzes, and massive amounts of boredom. Another test this Friday, two on Monday, two quizzes on Monday, paper due wed, project due wed.. woo gonna be a fun weekend for me.. not.
Let’s talk about my professors/classes. And when I say talk you know I mean mock slightly.
Abnormal Ironically, my most normal class and professor. I had him last semester, he knows me, the workload is kind of a pain in the ass but I survive. We have yet to get into anything entirely interesting. Papers suck. But at least our grade isn’t comprised entirely of our three exams.. the papers and pop quizzes factor in. And it’s nice, because I have it with Steph, so we chat/note write when bored. Haha. It’s funny though, the first few periods I always felt something like Sheba in the respect that I’d always come in flustered and like.. disastrous looking. It’s really far from my dorm and I always run late and I haul ass to get there and I’m like all sweaty or ugh I dunno. Its unpleasant. For example, one day, I was hauling ass as usual, and it begins to pour. Like torrential rain and wind pour. Me, thinking I’m so prepared, whip out my “feather light” umbrella. Well yeah. It doesn’t weigh much in my bag, too bad its no good against the elements its made to protect me from!!! I’m sliding like mad in my rainbows. Its small, so of course rain is pouring into my open Vera because I have so many damn classes MWF that it wont zip plus its cloth so what good does that do me, I’m trying to sip my soda from wendys but its getting rained into and that just cant be good, suddenly a gust of wind attacks me, blowing my umbrella INSIDE OUT , luckily I’m close to some power box structure, which I set my soda on, I fix my umbrella but of course water then CASCADES down onto me from all sides.. aagh. It happened THREE TIMES before I got to class. And of course I was wearing stretch capris which are already somewhat loose so you know that getting them wet essentially equals DEATH. And I’m anti belt. The horror. Yeah and my hair frizzed. I arrived looking awesome that day. Moving on.
Geography. Pretty much the most boring class I’ve ever taken. The professor puts all the notes online and reads right from them, I don’t know why I go. And my professor.. oh my professor. She has a pseudo mullet, wears oversized manly pocket tees, and has an obnoxious voice. She puts jokes that are so lame into her notes that even I don’t laugh, and whats worse is that she OVEREXPLAINS them completely ruining any chance of funny they ever had. Whats weird is that I would describe her as somewhat waspy but I can’t explain why. And of course her pronunciation of all things remotely foreign is awful. Like Rio Grand -Ay. Ugh it killed me. And once she said unscath-ED. Like pronounced Ed. Why?! Whyyyyyyyy.
Stat 2.
Yeah, I’m confused most of the time but after going to a Tutoring Zone review session I know things I never knew before. My professor is ok.. he’s too smart for his own good and apparently this is the lowest level stat course he’s ever taught, AND its his first time teaching it. He drove us crazy because he flipped through slides too fast, and then would write things on the board supertiny and then walk in front of it and then talk only to the board so I was like OMG die. But hes like subtly hilarious. He will be talking in a completely monotone voice and suddenly we realize the statistics problem we’re doing has something to do with the effects of a drug for E.D. wtf? And one day, before class, Dana asked him to write bigger, and so class starts and he writes completely unimportant words HUGE, like ridiculously mockingly so, and all the numbers tiny. That bastard. But we laughed anyway. And on top of it all, he has craaaaazzy hair. Like supercurly and longish, to his eyes, reminds me of harry sort of. But he’s old. It’s odd. The two hour period on thurs is death. Dana and I fail to pay attention usually. Omg and theres this kid who sits near us, and hes fucking in love with statistics. It’s the funniest/most digusting thing I’ve ever seen. Hes constantly leaned forward in his chair, copying frantically, breathing loudly with his mouth open, eyes bugged… he’s the kid who, when the professor is doing a quick calculation on the board, struggles to get it before him and then says it aloud, but not loud enough for the professor to hear, just loud enough for EVERYONE around him to know he got it. And I was just watching him in awe, this perfect lj subject of mine (lol).. and then the horrible happened. Let me set this up. Normally when I arrive to my class I’m always a little flustered because I carry way too many things with me. Books and binders and waterbottle with coozy and pencil bag and gloss and ugh it’s a lot. And I ALWAYS drop something. And I feel bad because I probably really annoy the people I sit near, like “Omg, I’m sorry! OH man.. yeah thanks for picking that ___ up for me. Heh.. yeah.” And I also have this really freakish problem where I’m just like overexcited to get started or something and I whip out my utensil too fast.. yeah.. I definitely stopped looking at the guy to get out my pencil, and of course, it FLIES out of my hand and totally hits him right in the arm. Shit! And I didn’t even mean to! I felt so awful. And I was so shocked that I had just completely flung my pencil at him in his dead on concentration my face (complete with gasp) must’ve been ridiculous because the people behind me started cracking up. And then I felt WORSE, because he probably thought I did it to be mean but I didn’t!! And so I’m like “OMG! I’m SO sorry!!” and he doesn’t say anything, he just picks up my pencil and gives it to me, and I’m like “thanks.. sorry..” and he completely disregards it and just goes back to staring. And so then it was just weird. I felt less bad. Moooving on.
Principles of Behavior Analysis.
Eh its okay. I really liked it at first, to my own surprise, because I’m completely anti behaviorism (or so I thought). But my professor (who’s actually a grad student) is amazing. One of the best lecturers I’ve had, excellent at explaining things.. I find he’s one of the few if only professors I can actually listen to and understand WHILE writing. He’s insanely intelligent and is like in this line of people trained originally by BF Skinner himself. How crazy is that?! So crazy, I’ll tell you. But I’m beginning to hate the class because of the workload. It’s killing me. He gives two quizzes each week, ON THE SAME DAY. Yeah. Two of the following three in tandem: vocabulary quiz (not matching either, fuck no, VERBATIM MEMORIZATION and writing out of long and difficult terms), supplementary reading quiz (based off packets we have to print that are like articles published from behaviorist journals and they’re like short answer essay things) and regular material quizzes (m/c, fill in the blank, label the diagram, explain the concept). It’s death, There are 25 “vocab terms” and I put it in quotes because some aren’t really vocab, they’re like compare this and this, but whatev. Doesn’t sound that bad if they weren’t ridiculously long. For example, my personal favorite: stimulus control: the systematic influence of an antecedent stimulus on the probability of occurrence of a response. More specifically, a differential form or frequency of a performance in the presence of one stimulus not evident in the presence of another. And they’re all fucking like that. It took me forever to learn because I had to UNDERSTAND them first. Gawwwddd. HOW CAN I LEARN LIKE THIS?! Ugh. And our first midterm is the Monday after homecoming/growl weekend. Kill me. Meh.
Myths of the Greeks and Romans
Oh man the professor is the love of my life. He’s greek and fantabulous. His name is Chrisostomos Kostopulous. Ha so amazing. He says hilarious things in his accent of love. Like “Ok, so, you get below 60, no pass.” And it said it in the slides that way, lol. And “You chhave to memorize the KEYterms. (kii-terms).” “You know so like, these guys, they were like to fight a lot.” “ The greeks, yeah, they were pretty amazing because even though they got drunk and slept with prostitutes, they made some of the most amazing works of all time. Like you guys, you can’t you know like, go out, and party, and drink, have sex, and then you know at the same time.. write dissertations. It doesn’t happen. But they did it!” “Yea, so checkitouttt.” Oh he killssssss me. You know my weakness for foreigners. And the class is interesting too! Woo.
Oh and Dana and I joined the psychology club. Yay. And next semester I’m going to join Psi Chi, the Psychology honors fraternity/club/thing. (You have to have had three full sems of college).
Mm yeah. So that’s basically it. All of this on top of the sorority is keeping me pretty busy.. you can see why I’m almost always away online or all I do is post pics.
As far as this week goes, I had my first vocab test today (so stressful, I was up until 5 am studying bc I had to memorize 13 new words on top of the 12) but I think I got a 100. I better have, or someone is going DOWN. Namely my professor. And then changed, rushed to the bus, the house for dinner, RIDICULOUSLY long chapter meeting of death, first day of big/lil week ( I find out who my big is on Thursday!! Big event) tomorrow night is Sig Ep’s surf frenzy (philanthropy) I’m going to.. maybe I’ll try to study for something in the afternoon beforehand.. Wednesday consists of tons of class plus more studying or paper writing or SOMETHING, Thursday night from 4:30-on = big/lil events and then studying for myths.. Friday night = possibly partying possibly studying… Saturday = hopefully some tanning and studying and then a quiet evening with Jon since he’ll be gone from fri afternoon til sat early evening.. Sunday = homework and studying forever in preparation for Monday DEATH with the two tests and two quizzes.. yup. Busy busy.
Last thing: one anecdote of the day:
I was on the bus after class and looking through my missed calls and I realized a random 754 number called me this morning at 8:51am. Wtf. I think I remember that but whatever. So logically, I call it back, all sweetly too, despite my long and stressful day “Hi, someone called me from this number this morning and I was wondering who it was.. who is this?” and this SUPER sassy woman was all “Well WHO is this?” and I was like “Erika..” and she was like “well I don’t knoow you erikuhhh.” And as I’m trying to get out “Ok well I guess it was a wrong nu-..” shes like “MAYBE I had the wrong numba!” And I’m like “Ok sorry bye then..” She was so ridiculously sassy!! A specific kind of sassy, too.. put simply, her name very well could’ve been Erika Jones. And you know what I mean. And now thinking back on it, why did I apologize? SHE called MY number mistakenly! I think sometimes for lack of better things to say in odd situations like that I just apologize needlessly. Screw that.
Mm ok longest entry ever. Bedtime early! Yay. Nitenite lovelies.