Um, so I have the coolest friends ever.
Ems singing, Neil SEEMS confused though I think he took this
Oh so cute
Pose one
can we call this posing?
mm check out his chin
hot hot hot (though it was actually quite cold in neils car)
Stacey love
Emmy - not drunk, just to clarify
The classic Jesse face
because it's my job to look hott at beach parties
giggly already?
I love the angle at which staceys head is tilted
how I contorted my body tot ake this I'm not quite sure
moi and Adam.. not sure whats happening
scandalous drinking?
the sun is exploding and adams got his essentials- cookie + phone
rock cluster
um, I'm obsessed with the fact that jesse is clearly NOT torturing emily as her face would imply
neil has an incredible ability to contort his face into a new expression on command
karl looking chill
and not so chill
and so begins my drunken interruption
um, best picture ever
i wish karl would've looked
so unattractive
aw, karls so loving and i'm so.. drunk
matchy matchy
thanks Hesse
my wtf to emilys shh
oh so rugged
this is by far my fave of the collection
karl cries and jesse.. itches his nose? sniffs his armpit? unsure.
i'd like to call this "turmoil"
I love this. Karl, you have such a cute smile. use it. (bitch)
silliness is life
neil looks spacey and jesse looks stoned..
um, hottest couple
emily, your clavicles amaze me
um, heart. dwp much? (dorm wall pic)
fun on the rocks
karin: explaining something tiny? rubbing her eye?
oh, kotu
this looks like drunken slowness and its just not at all
I heart this
preparing to go in?
neilneilneil.. sexay
half ready
BLAH! as india looks breezy in the background
jesse wandering away with his cup
mm close up
i'd like to call this "solitude" / "my lens needs cleaning"
um, #1
i wish karins FACE was in this
blurred love
had to (drunkenly) get in on that
I'm appalled by neils tongue?
i so love neil
"neeeiillll.. you don't LOVE me"
"oh, you do? you dooooo.. i love youuuuuu!"
is it weird that i love this shot of india?
note drunkenness- half closed eyes by em, lean by me. keep it cool, karin.
neil: "This is the story of my life. Me and Kotu, and then Stacey RUINING EVERYTHING."
HA, love.
more love.
i'm glad they're happy but I'm not sure what over
hottttsexx. x.
way to pose dramatically/emo-ish/aloof-ly for nearly every pic
look, karin's in a snowstorm! no wait, thats crap on my lens.
apparently i lose all sense of posture as a drunk
ugh i'm tired of my own face. and of karl NOT LOOKING!
aww- but no looking. lets take a new one!
no, you still aren't looking, DAMNIT
there we go, and now i look retarded
Em's havin a blast as Adam rants on about something in the background
mmm, these two = heart.
ow ow! whats going down!?
mm more india love. way to be photogenic and fantastic!
you'd hit it.
i'm not sure whats up with this pose, but it's repeated several times
i love neil, but is he tortured or happy? i'm going to say ecstatic, for my own purposes.
aw, stacey-neil love
i'm distraught but i don't think it's because of the hair in my eye
lol, Karin reminds me of one of my preschoolers here- having to be held in the picture and then forgetting where to look at the last second
like, ohmyGOD neil
Me, my protective Karl, Robbie fucking Perlstein and Brad fuckign Schwartz. whats up middle school?!
Brad self-shot? ps I LOVE robbies face in the background
me + robbie
Robbie, Em, and Brad
sniffle, the night is ending
Adam + Emjam