May 10, 2011 11:19
So, Tokai gets to go to the pet ER today for her bloating and the fact that she appears to be eating normally and pooping, but her poop contains some kind of mica-like flakes. Special, special times. :C Why does life always suck at once?
Update: Tokai is not, as I had feared, impacted! Apparently mature female leopard geckos sometimes just...spontaneously generate two eggs (unfertilized, unless for some ineffable reason god chooses to show up for the second coming as an adorable and friendly lizard). They apparently do this yearly. I had no idea--none of the books or resources I have on geckos had said anything about egg generation happening independently of mating. The flakes are apparently due to some dehydration (a lot of water, etc. goes into making the eggshells). Apparently all I have to do is soak her, and wait, and give her a hut with enough moss to dig around in. So, my gecko isn't gonna die. BEST news! Bad news: I spent a lot of money and effort today finding this out.