I find myself with more freetime than interesting hobbies again, so I think I'm coming back to FFXI again in time to enjoy the chaos caused by the upcoming level cap increases. I reaallly don't have time for the whole huge hardcore playing I did before but I can probably squeeze in enough stuff to be interesting again.
Things I need before I can get back to the swing of things:
- A new controller. Old one seems to be broken :(
- A new version of windower. My old one also seems to be broken...
- Linkpearls that are not also broken. Seems there were various revolutions and stuff in the 9 months or so that I was gone. What's up in AXI or SX, guys?
- Odin and Alexander, cuz they look awesome.
It'll probably take me a few days to get back up to speed. And yes, restarting the game does mean restarting Ereblog. Always did love writing for this thing.
Hello, newcomers from Fairy! Say hi if you see me on Sylph!