Today’s salvage was easily my most productive salvage ever, putting me at 14/15 Morrigan’s, needing only the hated 35 psychflayer 35 crown drop to complete the ENTIRE SET FOREVER. That Morrigan fund that I set aside a while ago to pay for the crown upgrade is starting to look a lot more relevant. Also picked up the Enlil on the same run because nobody else was lotting it, thus giving me a lootwhore award. I don't have either of the other pieces for the Marduk legs yet, but with all the salvage I'm doing (one daily whenever I am on like clockwork) it's likely only a matter of time. Pretty cheap piece to complete too, so that's nice.
Picked these up from Omega today as well, finishing off my need for homam for good! (lolhead) Maybe I should level DRKG or THF or something that can use the full homam. And yeah, I got all this stuff in one day. Was a pretty productive day for me! Was it enough to oust the most productive day of FFXI ever? Hard to say, hard to say! Actually screw it, it's not that hard to say. August 6th, 2009, is the new official most productive day of FFXI ever, replacing the
old one finally after almost two years!
I like SX's point bidding system far better than AXI's even though they're almost the same system. AXI split points up into too many categories: normal AXIP, dynamis points, limbus points, einherjar points. SX pools all points. The fact that there's more things to lot (they'll even buy you expensive items if you spent enough points on them) makes points far more valuable. I could have kept the points I spent on the homam feet and used the for something else, but since I wanted the feet, no regrets there. It's a good, healthy point flow system in a competent, well-organized group, and I really like how it runs.
Lampton Worm is a fun fight on BLM and the drops have been kind to SX lately, even if the camp is a soul-sucking five hours. SX does this every day a maint doesn't screw this up, but most of the time lately I've been out of town or something.
If this update shows if a lack of thought and time, it is because I am finally leaving Michigan in less than five hours from now for my internship / hopefully full-time job in Florida, and every moment I put into fleshing this out is one less I have to sleep for my upcoming two-day drive from Michigan to Florida. I am pleased to say that, though legally my home address won’t change for a few months, this is my last night as a Michigan resident. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of planning, goodbyes, and last hurrah’s and there’s not much left to do (other than sleeping) than just go for it. I’m still pretty nervous about relocating so far away from everyone and everything I’ve known my whole life, but this is also a great opportunity, both from a business standpoint and as a personal growth thing for me.
So if you see this character out on the beaches of Clearwater, um, it’s not me. Mostly because I’m not actually a girl in real life, but also because catgirls aren’t real and I’m definitely not a catgirl. Or a catguy, or whatever the male cat people are called. And I seriously doubt this swimsuit even exists in real life. You know what, I’m just going to stop before the mental images get too weirder. (ignores cries of “too late, too late!”)
As I sort-of implied earlier, just because my life is changing drastically and permanently doesn’t mean I’m stopping FFXI or Ereblog. Indeed, other than phone calls home, that’s one of my few lifelines back to things I’m comfortable with. Sooner or later everyone quits but I don’t feel the time is right for me. So hopefully everything will settle down for me and I’ll stop boring you with my real life-ish updates and get back to rants, theories, and (more) personal gloating.