ALikelyStory Salvage Rules Prototype

May 20, 2009 15:37

Assault Points for Permits

Have them ready beforehand. How far beforehand, I don’t really care, but “I need to do a quick Golden Salvage” is not an acceptable thing to announce at Salvage gather time. Remember that every single person doing Salvage needs points too and try to set up ways to get points in advance. It is not the group’s job to make sure you have points, but most members would almost always be willing to help. For example, Red vs. Blue is a very easy way to get 1666 points with only one person doing any real work and the other mostly two leeching. If you’re a lazy slacker haven’t achieved captain rank, a good way to get a lot of points is by beating new assaults, so try to set up those runs on your own time.

Not having enough points by gather time will be treated like skipping the run.

Salvage Knowledge

All members will be expected to, after a time, know almost as much about every salvage zone as the person leading the run. Absolute knowledge isn’t required, but the basics definitely is. I have found that, the more people that know what’s going on and aren’t just blindly taking orders the group has, the more successful things are.

Things you may be expected to know of the top of your head sooner or later are:

* Which zone is strongly affected by treasure hunter on floor one.
* The pop conditions of the upper two QQTHs.
* The pop conditions of the dormant ramparts.
* What the warpy gears affect, how they aggro and link, what wind weather does, and what happens if we miss some gears.
* Which boss has which special move, and the usual ways the group deals with this.

If there are ever any questions about what's going on in the run, for the love of God, ask!

Also, pass cells more faster.


Regular attendance is highly encouraged as it is the only way to make consistent runs possible. Simply stated, missing an occasional run is acceptable (especially when we are notified in advance) but if people are repeatedly not showing up with no warning we will seek to replace your rolls in the group as soon as possible and perhaps you will not be invited back. At least give us the courtesy of saying you’re busy with real life or something if you want to stay in the group.

Attendance will be tracked every run and strongly plays into what zones we do and who can lot armor.

Salvage is a long-term commitment; if you expect to see anything at all, you're going to have to keep showing up.


I'm never coming bard. Everything else is up in the air.

We'll try not to stick people on jobs all the time that they dislike, so tell us if we're making you do something you don't really like. But, on the flipside, certain roles do need to be filled every time, so keep that in mind as well.


The group will not spam zones or bosses. Zones will be rotated based on where the most desired items drop. If a lot of people want Bhaflau, for example, then a lot of Bhaflau will be run, but it will not be constant - other zones will get mixed in too, even "unpopular" ones every so often. Generally speaking, the members with the best overall attendance will have more influence in what zones are done.

The group is willing to work with, rather than in competition with, other salvage groups. If you obtain a piece of armor from another group and want to do a certain boss or 15 run to finish it, we will try to be accommodating, as finishing armor is the highest priority of this group.

Lotting Priorities

All members of the group are to create a list of five items they wish to obtain from Salvage, listed in priority order from one to five, with one being the most desired item. This list is fairly permanent and can’t be altered unless 1) an item on the list is obtained or 2) the player’s job priorities totally change and they want completely different armor for some reason. So give your list some thought.

When an item drops in Salvage, who can lot will be determined by each interested player’s TLWI (Total Loot Whore Index), a number that will be keep current and probably made public. Factors that weigh into TLWIs are lisiting priority, overall attendance, and the worth of items previously obtained. Someone who has only been to half the runs won’t be able to lot against someone who has been to all runs, but someone who has been to half the runs would probably be able to lot against someone who has been to all but has also obtained twice the amount of items, for example.

I cannot give any specific examples of the TWLI formula at work, as I haven’t fully finished it modeling it for Salvage yet. Rest assured that it will be fair though, as I have used something similar with high success in Nyzul. Great care will be made in ensuring to balance rewarding hard work with also distributing items to the entire group.


Very simple. All Alexandrites will be lotted by the run leader (probably me) and sold to a mythcs upgrader with the profits split among members that were present when they were obtained. If you come to a run, and Alexandrites drop, expect to see a share of that money. The more runs you come to, the more shares you’ll get. If you miss a run, you won’t get any money from the Alexandrites that drop there.

I'll try to have the gil ready by the next run. The idea right now is to find an upgrader we don't hate and sell to him.

No armor will be funded by the group. All members will be given their gil split to do whatever they want with it. It's really none of my concern where it goes. Buy cheap mithran hookers for all I care.

All Alexandrite finances can be made public to prevent any possible disputes.

As a sidenote, I'm not really sure how many people I have for Salvage right now. Since I've gotten some in-game feedback on things I write in Ereblog in the past, if you're on Sylph server and are interested in joining a group with these policies, let me know either here on a /tell. The only thing I can't give you right now is a time. I know that's kind of a make or break thing, but, well, I'm working on it. Let me know what times are good for you and they will be taken into consideration.

tlwi, salvage

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