Ereblix Pimplesnout

Apr 22, 2009 03:26

Second, PLUGS! Apparently I’ve inspired / shamed some people I know into creating livejoural blogs and so there’s a whole slew of them. Obviously they’ll never be as witty as me, and who knows if they’ll even update the crazy things after tonight, but so such it goes. Izzybella, aka izzyffxi, spends a lot of her time getting worked up about stuff but has a rather unique perspective on the game, though that perspective often involves taking pot-shots as yours truly here. Shadida's shadida_ffxi rarely (if ever!) updates, but he makes cool videos of our event runs so I’m willing to give him a plug on good faith. Kisana at Galactic Taru Empire had her own blog off of livejournal but apparently was convinced to switch over to LJ if I tagged all her old entries, of all things. And finally there is Cribe over at The Cribe Design who’s new to this whole blogging nonsense thing but seems to be off to a pretty good start. So if you enjoy some of the things I say, you may enjoy these guys saying stuff too since we’re friends and go to the same events and stuff. If nothing else I occasionally sneak myself into their screenshots!

Yes I do realize I should have used the livejournal user thingy for those blog links, but MAN was that really screwing with the layout for no real reason. 4 AM is too late for that kind of nonsense.

Okay, with all that out of the way, my bi-weekly “stuff I did recently” post thing.

SECURITY TOKEN GET. I don’t actually have a screenshot of this. It wouldn’t look like much. I am already loving it though - plenty of space to toss stuff I occasionally need like reraise items and warp cudgels but don't want to clutter my actual inventory with. The registration process was very simple and it’s only slightly more annoying to have to log in with this. I don’t understand the need for the Square Enix password though, but whatever. I think I’ll keep it synched to my account because I’ve heard enough hacking stories from people I actually know in game to be a bit concerned about my account’s security.

HOLY KILL FTW. As I mentioned briefly yesterday, Shadida and Cribe set up some Beadeaux [S] box farming runs off and on the past few weeks, to which I attended many. We finally did 3 runs of the BCNM yesterday. Both rangers got their pimp quadav ranger helmets - congrats guys! Shad made a video of our second run, which was pretty boring on WHM. The third run we did went a LOT worse as we lost our main tank early on and had to improvise on the fly. A lot of people died, myself not included, but we didn’t wipe and pulled it together to get the drops seen in this screenshot. In a crisis situation like that, you see sides to players you don’t often see, and I was generally impressed by what I saw as the group recovered from a pretty bad position very effectively. Fights like that are ones that make WHM really worth playing.

I am the only one that would remotely use this axe, so I shamed the other freelotters into passing. And use it I have. The earth damage procs fairly often on normal hits but of course not in level synch. I hear the latent effect is when you’re on either of the WSNM quests, which is just a bizarre latent. Problem is, I don’t even have the 240 skill to activate Steel Cyclone due to level synchs. 238. BLARG!

You know how sometimes you’re trying to do Apollyon NW and the entire zone is being held up by a couple of asshole BLMs that are low-manning it and taking forever? Well, recently I got to try my hand at being one of those assholes! We cleared it with BLM BLM BLM RDM, which is more than the experienced low-manners take, but it was our first time so hush. The enfeebling nerf/glitch is problematic anyway so a slightly larger group was probably a wise thing. The only thing that gave us the slightest bit of trouble with the Kaiser here, but that was less because he’s really dangerous and more because I’m sometimes a noob on BLM. We still beat it and got a lot of coins each, plus it was fun, so I’m happy.

BAM. I finally caught my LS leader not AFK and he agreed to sell me whiteshells at 6k a pop, which is an absolute steal based on bazaar market values. So I got this useful upgrade to probably the best piece of SMN relic. The downside is that I can’t store my set again, at least until the next Bastok, but the security token + mannequin storage makes this a lot less of a big deal than it was previously.

Only summoners will truly appreciate why this screenshot is interesting. First time I’ve seen this thing break 100 damage, let alone 1200.

Dude, this WAR is PIMP! He’s got Byakko’s! Yeah, I'm really happy about this :D

I threw the book at Haidate this weekend, spending absolutely all of my points - 355, I believe. That was prooobably overkill on the bidding, but I regret nothing for two reasons: 1) the AXIP bidding system is so wiggety whack that it’s hard to spend AXIP on useful stuff even if you want to and 2) because who knows when I’d see another one drop, and I know there’s a large number of people that still want them, so there's no real guarantee someone else didn't spend a huge amount either. So I’m AXIPless but I’ve got the Haidate which is just amazing, so it's very win for me.

My WAR is at 72 now and it’s gear is actually shaping up really nicely, even though I can’t wear a lot of it still. I have the Perdu gaxe and Askar head waiting for me, along with a lot of good BLU hand-me-downs like w. turban, brutal earring, and my flame ring +1.

The only other items that can be bought with AXIP that I want are a Fortitude torque and Crimson legs. I can secure the torque by providing the pop set to pop the jailer, which I plan to try pretty soon now that it’s good for both BLU and WAR. Technically I could also get the crimson legs that way from Kirin, but I’d have to provide the LS with a full Kirin pop, which is expensive, and we haven’t seen them drop in a very long time. So maybe I’ll just have to abandon the crimson legs goal for any time in the remote future.

Redid both ACP BCNMs a few times with a short-lived static to try to get better augmented items, but nobody did. I am thinking though that I’ll swap my Mirke for a WAR body with Acc+10 and double attack+2 to replace the Haub when the WAR hits 75. General consensus seems to be that this is a good move.

I only ever did the WAR AF feet quest, but now that I’m close to the point where I’ll replace them with dusk feet (and hopefully someday aurum) I don’t need any AF anymore. The choice was to store the entire set or toss the feet. I’m going with store the entire set because, well, it’s a sexy set. I easily soloed WAR AF3 on my DNC. I have a sort-of new goal: to solo every single AF3 quest in the game. So far I’m at WAR, BRD, SMN, and BLM. A couple friend PUPs need AF3 so I’m going to try that next. The quest makes it seem difficult to solo, but I have a bit of faith my DNC can outlast it.

I’ve had something of a Kisa day yesterday and ran around a bit with her today too. Helped her get her NIN coffers, which roughly translated to “spend about 5 minutes finding a coffer, watch her open it, and then warp out.” Then we farmed for my WAR coffer keys, which took very little time. Then we did an ENM, which dropped nothing. Then we debated doing other stuff but eventually decided to update our blogs. THAT was interrupted by the power outage yesterday, guh. Today we DNC duoed BLM AF3 for Cribe’s BLM. I would have offered to solo it, but I have documented proof of that solo anyway. Plus it’s really annoying to solo. Plus running around with Kisa is fun. Rrrawr!

Ereblix not a bad guy!

I recently caught myself up on the windy storyline quests with Wiseman, losing 50k in the process on a bet that we’d see Fenrir summoned. Damn, not yet. Wise, Dank, and I also did a bunch of Bastok quests to get this goblin belt, which is wacky fun in town.

Shad put on level synch while I was running to camp still. An accident, you say? A LIKELY STORY! Noob! Though he is dragging my WAR to up by inviting me to his COR parties. So I can complain about this MPK, but only a little.
Man, look at all those tags on this entry! Especially all the job ones! See, Erecia changes jobs all the freakin' time to fit the situation as needed. Not counting my retired PLD and BRD, I have 6 fully geared and at least fairly pimped-out jobs ready for endgame - a soloist / psedotank / light healer in DNC, a pure physical dd in WAR, a pure magical dd in BLM, a hateless dd in SMN, a main healer in WHM, and a tactical support mage in BLU. If I can ever finish off my COR to add general party buffer to that list (don't even suggest unretiring BRD) and unretire my PLD for a solid tank than my ultimate goal to be equipped for all occasions will be complete. Give Erecia as much gear as you can - I guarantee I will put it to good use!

I had to edit this entry more than any I've ever done. Ugh!

solo, blu, whm, mission, dnc, awesome, acp, war, blm, smn, level_synch, blogging

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