Weekly four Nyzuls this evening again. This has actually been happening pretty much constantly for a while now, but I rarely write about it because it’s become fairly repetitive to report on. Doing the actual event is still fun, especially when we pull of extreme last-minute victories, like we did tonight. Sometime it’s a bit disgusting how much more effective my BLU is than any of the other melees we bring, but me destroying stuff instantly helps the whole group, so it’s all good.
This was the only thing to drop out of four runs and I won it. I’ll use it full time on my WAR, but the WAR is still 66 so that’s questionable. It’s a little bit lootwhorish for me, I admit. Partially I was a bit sick of constantly losing lots on armor to hired-help type members. Partially I haven’t gotten anything good from Nyzul since before the new year and decided to try my luck. Partially I’m a lil resentful that the TLWI (total lootwhore index) spreadsheet system that worked SO WELL has entirely broken down in favor of a free-for-all. Partially it’s getting a bit tiresome only doing multiple head floors, even having off-schedule runs setup to do only head floors, when I mostly want the other pieces of equipment. Partially I didn’t really expect to beat three other people that had lotted and was really shocked when I actually won. Well, whatever. It’s still the most desired piece in the group so we’ll be spamming head floors from now until eternity so it’s nice to actually get something worthwhile out of it.
Later that night, first Odin EVAR! And I was there on SUMMONER of all things!
One of the things I like so much about this Einherjar group (and let me tell you, this is not a short list) is how I never feel like I’m just being thrown into something haphazardly and having to fend for myself. This is probably the first time I’ve done an event on SMN where people actually gave a damn about the fact I was even there. The SMN party had a very attentive COR that was trying to time abilities like Random Deal and Wild Card with us using our timers to maximize effect, and people were having us move into and out of Odin’s attack range to distribute 1000 Needles-ish damage but stay away from the really dangerous attacks. The whole event oozed of competence and organization. Very little stress, very few deaths.
But really I just like playing around on summoner. Getting to use ol’ Levi for something important is pretty rare for me.
No Odin-specific drops but both E. body and A. body ain’t bad! Acting leader Corvi got the E. body, which is cool for him since he puts in so much personal effort into the group. So that’s very cool.
Gunna be fun showing up to AXI events wearing the Elite Einherjar title, for definitions of “fun” that vary between “kind of socially awkward” to “in your face, suckas!” I haven’t gotten a single word about leaving AXI’s in-house Einherjar group and I’m not sure how much crap I’d take about it if I did. Lord knows I tried to help them excel and they ignored me fully.
0/3 on my Koggelthingy. Didn’t run the maze on Friday since the usual crew was scattered around and I was taking one of my traditional mid-afternoon Friday naps. I did get people asking me if we were going to try anyway though, so it’s nice to have the regulars showing interest in the farming. I’ll see if I can get things rolling again this weekend.