Oi... you get so much done I'm rediculously jealous... lately things havn't been going quite as well for me... I never get invites so I have to make meripos which on Carby generally means I have to shout for over an hour to get together a party - can get a bard and a redmage a-ok but then the DD are nowhere to be found oddly... All my endgame events are totally non existant - ZNM's crashed and burned when people decided they wernt getting what they wanted fast enough. Nyzul static was full of those "oh that was "thiiiis* week? sooooorrry" people and for some reason even with pickups Nyzul is doomed to failure - only on floor 11 with not even a base weapon to give me a bit of a pick-me-up. Don't have a reason to do Dynamis or sky because Dancer is my highest lvl job - a desicion i'm starting to regret more and more every day I can't get things done. And whats worse it always seems that every linkshell I touch dies... Even the social ones get considerably less social or play favorites when I'm around - I'm an affable and cheerful guy most of the time but it gets bothersome when I have 4 ls's and theyre all empty or when I get on and say hello its either empty or I get no reply, when a minute or so later the lsfavguy pops on and everybody stops what theyre doing to scream how much they missed him/her. I have afew friends I guess but it becomes annoying too when I'm always willing to help them get things they like when nobody is ever on when I would like to do something - When people start continuously getting all the items you want (joyeuse, Main Gauche when theyre dancer is lvl 50 and theyre totally gunna lvl it to 75 now, relic armor ect). Seems like when I was a noob things were far more pleasant... So anyhoo... dya think I should just bite the bullet and level... bard or redmage or one of those high in demand jobs so I can make friends/get things done/not feel like I'm in such a rut? or is it just time for a server change? :/
Leveling a new job may be a good idea - in addition to giving you more options, it can take your mind of your lack of progress. Believe me, there were weeks (months...) when I felt just like you did about not getting anything done. I would advice against leveling a job you think it popular though, like bard, if you won't like it. Find a job that's sufficiently different than dancer. Maybe warrior. I liked warrior, good solid job. I should finish it some day.
I wouldn't server change. You'd probably miss more than you think you would. But, maybe it would be a good idea to re-evaulate which friends are worth keeping. I spent TONS of time helping people that had no intention of returning the favor, and for what? Once I figured out which were the keepers (the ones I talk about most in my entries) I've mostly ignored the rest. It's done me a world of good, both mentally and in terms of progressing my character.
Heh, that is some pretty sound advice. I've been getting the urge to level scholar to 75 - gives me abit more versatility, can be a nuker and it just plain looks cool. On the other hand I wouldnt be able to level that right off the bat, as both blackmage and redmage are below 10. Meh we'll see how it goes.
Also, a day after I posted this I rescued a Japanese beastmaster in the Maze of Shakrami while getting things for Windy rank missions for money. He spoke perfect english and for once in what seemed like ages I had a very long and interesting conversation with him. He mentioned that he was low on money and was planning to farm gil to buy the things he wanted, so the next day I went out to giddeus and got him a monster signa. Turns this guy was an old player from back when the game first started who had recent restarted but was still well connected so he introduced me to some of the higher-end players on our server. Hooray things going good for once! XD
Yer raving Galka dancer fanboy. Sorry for the long rant... ;-;
I wouldn't server change. You'd probably miss more than you think you would. But, maybe it would be a good idea to re-evaulate which friends are worth keeping. I spent TONS of time helping people that had no intention of returning the favor, and for what? Once I figured out which were the keepers (the ones I talk about most in my entries) I've mostly ignored the rest. It's done me a world of good, both mentally and in terms of progressing my character.
Also, a day after I posted this I rescued a Japanese beastmaster in the Maze of Shakrami while getting things for Windy rank missions for money. He spoke perfect english and for once in what seemed like ages I had a very long and interesting conversation with him. He mentioned that he was low on money and was planning to farm gil to buy the things he wanted, so the next day I went out to giddeus and got him a monster signa. Turns this guy was an old player from back when the game first started who had recent restarted but was still well connected so he introduced me to some of the higher-end players on our server. Hooray things going good for once! XD
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