
Jul 05, 2008 22:36

Okay, so the astute of you will have noticed that I took my last post down.

It should never have been put up in the first place. I wish to apologize to all of you for bringing you into what was an extemely personal matter and i mostly wish to apologize to the person involved. I was upset, I was emotional, and I acted without thinking.

But I did learn something.

Seven years ago, I had three incredibly dark years after my divorce. So dark, that at the end of the first, I said to myself, "Wow, this can't get any worse, at least."

It did.

Then it did again.

And I had nobody to turn to. No one. Not any family, not any friends.

Everyone had turned against me, and told me I was wrong.

I remember a point, sitting on my bedroom floor for about seven hours, with a big piece of paper and a pencil, listing out all the facts... because gee, if EVERYONE in the world except YOU thinks you're wrong, then, well, maybe you need to reassess....

I came out of those seven hours knowing I was right. You CAN be right when everyone else says you are wrong -- it actually is possible.

In the end, everyone did sway my way. Everyone saw that I was in the right and she was in the wrong, but it was a hard battle. But I WAS right. And the path to discovering that -- that I had the strength to see through everyone else's opinion -- gave me more strength that I ever imagined I was capable of, but it would have been far easier had I had friends to fall back on.

My LJ post a few days ago showed me something I never imagined: I have friends now. Some of you I don't even know!! Some of you I know very well. All of you are most excellent people who will always be invited into my home and who, if you ever need me, I will be there for.

So for that, I don't regret my post at all. For every other reason I do.

Thank you. You guys really did help me through what was a very, very hard few days.

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