The Fountain Redux (cuz, like Depeche Mode, I just Can't Get Enough)

Jun 05, 2008 10:45

It occured to me last night that I have an even bigger reason for hating this movie. I embedded this into the comments, but I want to post it out where it's noticable.

The WORST part of this movie, by far, is how freaking CONVENIENT it is that the protagonist studies new medicine and technologies to cure brain tumors and his wife HAS A BRAIN TUMOR (and the worst part) BEFORE THE MOVIE EVEN BEGINS THAT HE DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT.

This is the worst case of Deus Ex Machina I have seen in a long time.

I don't mind her having the tumor, but have HIM accidentally cause it. Or have something about the environment cause it. Or have her tumor the REASON he starts studying brain tumors. But something. How hard is this writing stuff anyway? I just thought of three off the top of my frigging head.

I mean brain tumors aren't that common. It's not like one in thirty people don't have brain tumors.

It would be like having the movie HONEY I SHRUNK THE KIDS start with the kids already tiny without anybody explaining why. "Oh, our kids are tiny? Good thing I just HAPPEN to be working on this thing to make 'em bigger." Of course, then they would need to add another sixty minutes of computer graphic sequences to fill up the space, just like this movie did.

Jesus Freaking Christ Bouncing On A Pogo Stick.

Did I mention I hated it?

erdnase out.
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