So, Maybe I'm Biased.

May 25, 2008 20:31

So, I'm laying on the sofa reading a book full of essays on the writing of Neil Gaiman.

As some of you know, I have a piano in my living room. My son, who just turned one a few weeks ago, crawls up on the piano stool and starts plunking away randomly on the keys.

Mashing them with his hands. You know how kids are. But I am absorbed in my book, which is a really good book and if I'm not mistaken, at least ONE of my LJ friends contributed an essay to it (and it's a great essay, btw.. just sayin'), so I'm just sort of hearing the plunking and mashing in the background. Not really paying attention.



Until he starts playing perfect intervals. Not one. Not two. Not the same one over and over. A minor third. A perfect fifth. A fourth. A sixth. No seventh, but i doubt he could reach a seventh.

Hey, seriously. Maybe I'm biased. There was a bit of mashing between them, but not that much. I would say there were more intervals than mashing.

How old was Mozart when he wrote his first symphony? Two? Of course, I wouldn't wish that life on anybody, but still....

Anyway... I have a second post coming soon that has something sort of to do with this one. Just hang tight. But until then, I'm just asking -- am I biased? Or do all kids know a perfect fifth when they play it? Because he definitely played that one over and over before progressing to the minor third.

erdnase out.

[edit:] My buddy TS, after reading this post:

TS: babies are like poems.
erdnase: in which way?
TS: everybody thinks theirs is amazing.
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