what with the new Spn season starting and all

Sep 24, 2010 07:29

Rename is coming to dreamwidth soon, and I'm going to rename my Spn community. Right now it is called
spn_episodefic. Because there are less people on dw, it's hard to get a lot of posting to comms, so I want to expand the purpose of the community to include anything related to a specific episode, including reviews, meta, vids, art, icons, recs, etc, rather than just fic. I envision a comm where new fans can find more for each episode as they watch, as well as being fun for those of us who have been here for a while.

So I am revising the purpose of the comm to open it to any input that relates to a specific episode. Feel free to post old episode reviews and anything else you have which is episode related. I'd love to see the comm become more active.

If anyone has any idea for a new name for the comm, I'd be delighted to hear it.

supernatural, dreamwidth comms

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