Dec 10, 2008 15:10
All these posts about homophobes and idiots has really motivated me to post my own thoughts. It's also pissed me off anew to be reminded of how easily stupidity can become the norm.
People who oppose gay rights fall into one of these three basic categories.
1) If you think that gay people getting married is going to destroy America, turn your children gay, or unravel the very fabric of society, then you are in fact a homophobe. Believing something like that is the definition of delusional paranoia. I honestly can't comprehend how someone can believe that. I can't comprehend it the same way I can't comprehend how a schizophrenic patient believes that I'm the personal assassin of George W. Bush sent to kill them for "knowing too much." That's how ridiculous and absurd it sounds to me. So the only answer is that you're either crazy, and are therefore not competent to participate in any process of government, or you're just lying. You're lying and therefore a bad Christian.
2) If you think that gay people are just evil sinners that are going to burn in Hell then you're a hateful homophobe instead. I actually like these people the most out of the gay haters. At least their honest. I can't argue with "I don't want you people getting married because your very existence goes against God." I can't argue with that, but I can at least claim that any law these people try to pass violates the Constitution.
3) If you think that gay people shouldn't get married just because it's weird or icky then you're just ignorant and stupid. Your personal discomfort is not grounds to deny me my rights. Ignorance is usually the largest driving force behind discrimination. Black people were discriminated against because people honestly believed that they were less intelligent, more impulsive and therefore more dangerous. White people thought that black people really needed to be controlled. The same things have been thought about Jews and women. I'm not saying the struggle is exactly the same. I'm saying the ignorance of those who oppose equal rights is the same.
Now I personally think that those in group 2 are the real pushers for these laws. Unfortunately for them they know that they can't just come out and say "Hey everyone! Homosexuality is evil. God hates them, so they shouldn't be allowed to marry!" So they disguise themselves as those in group 1 in order to prey upon the fears of the real group 1's.
Now the people in group 3 are usually the most numerous, but at the same time I think that if left to their own devices they don't really care enough to actually try to legislate their ignorance. They're not motivated enough so long as their ignorance is out of site, out of mind. That's were groups 1 and 2 come in. They also try to spread this fear to group 3 in order to motivate them to take action.
Another thing that proponents of illegal gay marriage spout is that the founding fathers would not have wanted gay marriage in America. They say that they're turning over in their graves. That may be true. But if they were that against it they would have defined marriage in the Constitution. They would have put it in the Constitution. Did they? No, they didn't. In fact, what they did put in the Constitution was that the "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
I believe religion is the main motivating factor behind the push against gay marriage, and that is something that the founding fathers truly did not want. So those those who spout what the founding fathers would have wanted: They don't want YOU participating in the government. According to the founding fathers: I > you.
But in the end it doesn't really matter why you're against equal rights for homosexuals. You're either wrong in your ignorance and fear, or you're wrong in your desire to violate the Constitution.
I hate stupid people. *righteous indignation*