Jun 23, 2010 10:17
I find it quite interesting that suddenly everyone is a huge soccer fan now that it's World Cup time. Maybe not everyone, but pretty much every guy I know. Last week our CFO was all gung-ho for Greece and team USA. So much that on Friday, the IT director set up the US game in the conference room so they could all watch it together. All the guys. The CFO brought in two shopping bags from Dunkin Donuts filled with donuts, bagels, and muffins for the department. Sure, well all got to eat, but only the guys got to slack off all morning. I think I was the only woman invited, but only because my male officemate was invited. "Uh, Erin, if you're interested you're more than welcome to join us." According to the CFO, watching the game on company time was "patriotic."
Needless to say, the ladies in the office were pretty pissed. We contemplated all going to the bar at 11am. It's patriotic, didn't you know? Our office supervisor told me I shouldn't have to punch out for my doctor appointment because none of the guys punched out to watch the game.
As it turns out, other people in the company were pissed when they found out about the private viewing the conference room. So team USA is playing right now, and all the guys are sitting at their individual desks.
Watching the game streaming over the internet and eating up all our bandwidth.