Memeness Before Homework...ness

Apr 27, 2006 22:42

Blah. I have a presentation tomorrow morning in American Music. It's on soul music, but still. I detest presentations. Especially in the morning. So for just a few more minutes, I shall hide from my research and procrastinate.

Courtesy of Hoooliet (cervrok), one of the best jewelery makers in town:

01) Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02) I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. (Or just whatever I feel like asking)
03) You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04) You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05) When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. What's your emotional outlet? When you're feeling emotional and you don't have the words, what do you do to work through your emotions?

I usually feel frustrated and ancy for awhile, and then I write. When I’m trying to sort things out, writing is always the start of the answer. Then I’ll usually call my mom if it’s something I want to talk about with her, and she’ll give reassurance, encouragement, and an outside perspective that helps me clarify answers and understand the situation further. Often, I don’t intentionally run to writing, it just happens; the impulse to do it is so natural (and habitual) I don’t consciously think about it. I’ll turn on my computer with the intent of doing homework or surfing the web and pretty soon I’ll find myself in MS Word, sitting in front of the next crisp white page in my “journal,” the cursor blinking and words itching to fly out of my fingers and onto the keys, even when minutes before I was sure I didn’t have any.

But if words are absolutely failing me in any medium, I seek solace in spending time with my dog (if I can) or playing piano. Listening to simple live music can help too, like someone playing acoustic guitar with their door slightly ajar or someone playing piano out in the practice rooms. There is something about the math in music that is calming to me, the challenge of figuring out how the rhythms, chords, and melodies all fit together like puzzle pieces, and how the end result, sung against quiet, is always beautiful and satisfying. The cool smoothness of the keys is a nice, calming sensation, too.

2. What's your guilty pleasure?

Being lazy. Doing pretty much nothing (when I have tons I should be doing) for a day, all day. Wearing old, threadbare, holey clothes, not fixing my hair, not putting on any makeup. Sleeping as much as I please. If I’m at home, interacting only with my family. If I’m here, interacting with no one for several hours. And in the moment, not really feeling guilty about it.

3. What's your ultimate dream job?

I don’t really know yet. Something in writing where I have job security and get paid fairly well, where I can be creative (not in the newspaper industry) and be around creative people and get to travel on assignment a couple times a year. Perhaps something in magazines…? In any case, a job that makes me feel satisfied, creative, and happy, where I get to explore new things while also sharing the things that I know….and leaves my pockets comfortably stuffed at the end of the day.

4. What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you in college so far?

I hate to disappoint you, but so far I’ve made it through fairly unscathed. *hardcore knock on wood* To humor you, though, there was this one time, freshman year. The R.A. of my building that year was kind of a drunken “easy” girl who liked to have vocal, giggling sex with her boyfriend in the big shower of our communal bathrooms at like, 10:00 every week night, just when people needed to brush their teeth and start getting ready for bed. (Haha! This is back when I actually had a decent bedtime of like, 12:30. Hahaha.) It was an all-girls, mostly freshman dorm, so the idea of a naked (and thrusting) boy in our shower was extra-uncomfortable. Well, one night, I got to the big shower first, and then Ashley (the R.A.), came in after me and got into the small shower next to mine. A few minutes later, I heard her boyfriend come in asking something about watching some show on her T.V., and the next thing I know, he’s whipped open my shower curtain and stuck his head inside and we’re both frozen, our eyes locked together in horrified shock. I guess he thought since she was usually in that shower, he could just whip it open without any problems. On a floor of 16 girls. What a tool.

The experience would have been legitimately embarrassing if I believed he actually saw anything, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t. It was over really fast-he opened the curtain, the stare occurred, and then he snapped it shut and left-and the whole time he was in my space, his eyes never strayed a millimeter from mine, so I wasn’t that mortified. I was mostly pissed my R.A. didn’t even have the decency to apologize about it or stop having sex in the shower after it happened. Tool + bitch = mutual happiness (and jizz) called love, I guess.

5. (Stolen from Lily) Your ultimate, desert island, Hanson song?

I can only pick one? It would probably have to be something upbeat, but with enough room for sadness because I would be seriously desperate and depressed unless I knew without a doubt that rescuers were on their way. For this scenario, I’d go with the acoustic version of “Runaway Run.” If this is a desert island, vacation-escape deal, I’d go with either “Dancing in the Wind” or “Get Up & Go.”

EDIT: Gawd, that's long! Lmao, sorry. I swear it didn't look that long in MS Word.
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