Forecast Overall: Sunny with a few dark clouds

Aug 11, 2008 22:43

Those few clouds are the whole job situation - but everything else seems to be fairly better.

I'm over halfway done with my thesis. I'm in the process of actually completing the literature review. I've done the intro, the methodology, and the survey. I have proper approvals from the IRB, and I know when I'm administering the survey (a week from this Thursday), I'll have basically up to 300 potential responses (not sure of exactly how many since I'm going to public speaking classes and a large portion of the students are first time freshman so they will probably still be 18). But either way, I have definitely a good possibility of getting the basic 150 usable responses. So yay! Otherwise, I know plenty of the other instructors to ask them if I can stop by their classes to administer it there. Once I've administered the survey, I'll have to take a couple of days to input the responses into the SPSS program to analyze them and then I write my results and discussion section and lastly the conclusion. And voila! I'll be done with the initial thesis process, then begins the approvals parts - a proposal defense, and any reworking of it will be done if needed, then I'll be working on submission to the Graduate School office. Then I'll be doing the thesis defense. I'm so glad - everything seems so finite now that I'm this far into it and I have definite timelines. Thank you God.

So that's the big of my life right now. Of course, there are other things I could go into - family, health, friends, but essentially these are the three things that are at the forefront. And as I said - generally, for what it's worth, things are going to be fine, there is just that slightest chance of rain (or shade, if I want to think even more positively). =)
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