
May 02, 2005 01:24

Things have been just lovely.  I got a job, yeah come visit me at Meijer.  13 and John R.  I start tomorrow. I had a couple other places in mind, but this is what seemed to work out best.  As Lauren put it, last Thursday was "off the hook" and she wasn't even there.  Let's just say it was a long night and didn't turn out how I wanted it to but some fun was had nonetheless.  I got into a bitch fight with an extremely flamboyant gay guy, but I'm not going into details.  Yes, we were all at the gay bar again.  It's just too much fun.  Literally, too much.  Friday night Tony and I went to Meijer to buy games, we got MAD GAB... It's seriously the greatest.  Go look it up if you wanna know what it is, I dont feel like explaining.  Saturday night I left the apartment and came back to Ferndizzle, Missy and Dustin had their hearts set in having me come hang out with them.  Plans were made, but then broken because the bowling alley we tried going to just sucked too much ass, wasn't even worth it.  So....we ended up getting drunk and I made out with Niko, but not really.  You don't want to know who Niko is.  Hahaha.  Missy's got the biggest boobs ever.  I wore her flourescent green bra for shits and giggles and I like, got lost inside it.  Hahaha.  I had the worst anxiety of my life in the morning when they were sleeping and I couldnt sleep...well not the worst, but damn close, and it sucked.  I felt so bad because I called Tony drunk, wanting him to pick me up... The thing is, he was at work when I called him and it was 3am.  So he was pretty pissed.  And I was pissed at the time and hung up on him and he so totally didnt need or deserve that.  I'm just a big ol' asshole.  But everything was fine today after I talked to him and I just cant wait to go back over there, and when I do... I might just not come back.

Today was fun, Missy came over and decided to treat me to McDonalds for the second time in 24 hours.  We met my mom at Meijer where we danced around with Fat Bastard wine and followed Chinese people and pretty much just made fun of people that needed it.  This dumb kid, about 13 years old, kept walking by us and whistling.  And the 4th time, Missy goes "Okay, you can stop it now, KID, or it'll be stopped with my FIST" or something right along those lines.  He never returned.  It was just amazing.   I then....came home and ended up getting ready to go to Red Robin to eat with Renee, Amy and Lauren and Allison for her birthday.  Fun times.  And to be stupid, we went to Gratiot to make fun of people who actually "cruise Gratiot".  It was greeeeeeeat because we'd pull up to 16 year old kids who thought they were cool bumping 50 Cent and whatnot bouncing and dancing around to it. Then Lauren rolled the window down and screamed 'I HATE YOU, YOU SUCK!'  And I guess you just had to be there, Laurens the funniest person ever, hands down.  The worst experience of my life happened when I had to pee so bad and we stopped at a gas station... The guy gave me a key to go around the side and it was the worlds worst gas station bathroom.  I almost died but I was desperate.  Now I'm home, dreading my first day at the ol' Thrifty Acres.  Wish me luck. 
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