Title: Este Original Text Erased: Restored Erased by: alias_sqbr Original text author: glimmergirl Fandom (of original text): Good Omens Fandom (of erasure): Good Omens
I'm really glad you like it! It's a lovely story, so it makes me happy to know you think I did it any justice.
I may actually have been vaguely thinking of that meaning: I was pondering different titles and thought "Este is a word isn't it? Or am I thinking of the German ist?" Then when I looked it up I came across the other meaning.
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I may actually have been vaguely thinking of that meaning: I was pondering different titles and thought "Este is a word isn't it? Or am I thinking of the German ist?" Then when I looked it up I came across the other meaning.
Your dragon icon is cute too :)
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