my faith in humanity

Feb 20, 2008 20:39

So I'm working on my human core essay today, looking for pictures on Nazi Germany. I'm searching for this specific stamp on Kristallnacht on google and somehow I end up with this button that says "I'm Islamophobic, and proud of it". Curiosity peaked I end up on this blog that talks about the "Muslim-ization of Europe" and stuff. It's pretty depressing, but it veers off into ideas of how White races hate themselves and all this stuff, which is actually kind of interesting. But then, one of the comments is by this guy with a name "Avenger" and he leaves this comment about how we should all convert to Islam and it's gonna take over the world and we'll all need to convert or die and all this stuff. And I go to his blog, because at this point I'm like are you serious? And his blog is full of the most degrading, debasing, sickest filth I've ever read, about women and non-Muslims and even just moderate Muslims. And the comments on his blog are even worse. So between Hitler, racism, war, and religion, I have officially lost my faith in humanity. It was just really some of the most depressing trash I've ever read. At least the other blog was at least intelligent, even though he/she said "moderate Islam doesn't exist". Is it really that hard to just freaking get along? We have got to be the only species on the planet with such willingness to hate each other. This is why it's just so much easier to live in a peaceful bubble where I may be naive, but at least happy. I'm seriously in parts horrified, sick, disgusted, and unclean feeling right now. Sorry, I just had to get that out. And in the face of all this, how can one person change the world? No wonder people are so apathetic-after a while it just becomes useless.
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