Dec 01, 2011 02:10
I feel like my life is turning into that of a hermit crab, except that the shell is my car, and switching terrariums is the major task. In the last week and a half, I went from tech week to previews, meaning fifteen-hour days whilst the following went down: moved to a temp house, blew out a tire and as a result had a fight with my dad that led to having to drive back down to my family house to swap cars with my mother and then swap back on my only days off--while mending the situation with my dad, and I am currently prepping for another move to a better sublet in four days. Right after a five-show weekend. I am such a super-hero.
I'm only now recovering from the exhaustion as our day rehearsals lighten a little and I have my mornings to myself again. I do very much like the show and the gents I dress; they use my name and say "thank you," which for me makes a heap of difference. As much as I love my work, I have come to expect that it is generally thankless and renders me invisible. Small doses of appreciation surprise and shock me.