(no subject)

Feb 03, 2005 10:16

this week has been good &bad. good because i got a car, got to spend a lot of time with nathan [not like that's unusual] &bad because on tuesday night, i got in a fight with my mom &she kicked my brother &i out-- i almost had nowhere to go. nathan's parents wouldn't let me stay there, so i ended up calling my mom &begging her to let me come home because otherwise i would have slept in my car. everything is okay now though; i guess. or as "okay" as it gets.
i have self [working out &weightlifting] 4th hour &gym 6th hour. my legs &stomach are killing me, but i guess that's a good thing because i'm fat and i need it.
in other news, i'm not vegan anymore. sorry. if you're going to comment and say a ton of shit about it, don't. because i'll ban you from leaving comments. it was my decision and i chose it.
wayne road BK is closing on march 1st for remodeling. i'm probably going to go back to merriman. hear that, ryan? maybe you won't hate me by then.

today is nathan's halo 2 day &my nap day because i'm dying from not sleeping. at seven, i have to go to his house so he can shoot his movie for voc tech, because i'm in it.

i have about five minutes til i have to go to self. horray. my brandnew hoodie got stolen yesterday. if i see someone wearing it, i'll kill them.

report cards today. i think i did okay.

i only work saturday 11-3.30. so if anyone wants to hang out, or have a sleepover on friday since nathan has plans, give me a call.

two months &thirteen days til my birthday. !
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