my neighbors parents came to visit her for the weekend. I could hear the grandmother cooing and awwwing over her young son all afternoon. It was sickingly cute. My walls are made of old newspapers, and horse glue - I can hear everything that happens over there.
They left today, I had the living room blinds open, I could see them hugging and saying their goodbyes. Her father hugged his grandson and then his daughter and kissed her on the head.
I wonder if he would act differently knowing that his daughters boyfriend cumed on her face. She didn't like it.....but they made up afterwords and watched leno together.
ahhhh such is life.
I've stop having those lighting storms in my head...I'm not saying anything more, no hoping. I'm just going to see where this goes. I love new head spaces.
I met a new french boy, he makes me laugh.