Fai and Kurogane( The crack-ish AU version)

Mar 17, 2008 13:16

Hey! It's Spring Break! Yay! I have a goal of writing and finishing at least one story this week. Here's a little drabble that was inspired by
valentines_av's icon. I seem to be in a crackish mood, so BEWARE.

Title: Once Upon a Time
Rating: PG-13 (Kurogane needs to wash his mouth)
Summary: Kurogane and Fai. Castles. AU. Author on Crack and caffeine and Rice Krispies

Kurogane wasn’t a very good prince, and no doubt he would make a terrible King. It wasn’t due to his nature or anything, because Kurogane has a pure heart, but more to the fact that he had the diplomatic skills of a block of ice. Kurogane himself, knew that he had no social skills what so ever, so it surprised him that he managed to meet someone and not scare them away, yet.

Fai was the court’s magician, a social chameleon, and one of the only people who is Kurogane’s friend. Though if it was up to Fai, he would become much more than a friend, but the prince was too shy and a virgin in every sense of the word. Kurogane never had a relationship in his life. But Fai refused to wait any longer. It was frustrating to see all the girls and some men of the court pine after Kurogane, some even tried to bribe him to get to the prince.

So today, he was going to ask the prince to the convenient ball being held next week. Determinedly, he opened the door of his room marching out and came face to face with the prince himself.

Fai’s marching halted abruptly. Kurogane stared at him.

“Oh Kuro-puu! I was just going to visit you! But you came here instead! How nice.” Fai’s plan was ruined…he needed the walk in the halls to prepare his mind!

“ Don’t call me that! How many times have I told you my name is Kurogane?!” The prince yelled, his face beginning to color with rage.

“Don’t be so shy, Kuro-rin? Did you need to see me about anything?” Fai asked, because Kurogane never visited him, Fai had to track Kurogane down.

“ Can’t I visit people without a reason?” Kurogane asked, nervous and strangely annoyed that Fai had asked why.

“ Of course!” Fai beamed, and Kurogane’s stomach did something like a funny flop.

“ Let’s go to the gardens okay?” Fai asked and walked to the door.

“Wait…” Kurogane said unsurely.


“Uh…I did come to ask you something…” Kurogane said awkwardly, not meeting Fai’s eyes.

“Yes?” Fai asked.

“Um…I need o have an escort to the ball…and-Will you come with me?” The words rushed out of his mouth, as Kurogane inwardly winced.

Fai grinned. “Kuro-sama! That’s so cute! Hahaha! You had trouble asking me this?”

“ Will you just give me an answer you dumbass!” Kurogane yelled, feeling embarrassed. His ego was sulking in a corner currently.

“ You’re silly!” Fai exclaimed and launched himself at the prince who did not quite forsee that move. “Of course I’ll go with you. I was going to ask you, but you saved me the trouble Kuro-bun!”

Kurogane’s face was a vivid red by now from blushing. Fai grinned and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Kurogane tilted back a little, surprised but happy as well.

Out of nowhere, Fai’s weird pet manjyu bun thing, popped up.

“Kuro-puu has a boy toy!” Mokona sang.

Kurogane froze and looked towards Mokona, who seemed to quaver a little. Kurogane’s patented evil glare was building up to murderous intent now, until Fai dragged his head down and kissed him again.

“Boytoy! Boytoy!” Mokona sang, while Kurogane and Fai was blissfully unaware.

I'm sorry, fangirls of Kurofai.
Now time for some shameless self promoting. I have written an original drabble type thing and I kinda wanted people to critque it.

kurofai, tsubasa, crack!

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