43 Things (Revisted)

Apr 26, 2011 13:25

I wrote this entry about six years ago. Let's see if I've made a dent in the list.

43 things

1. Let love find me - Nope.

2. become a great artist - Nope. I still need to find some sort of synergy between motivation and message. skill wise I'm getting better.

3. become a great designer - Nope, but I'm getting there.

4. save the world - Not yet.

5. destroy the world -

6. become a ninja cyborg - got the cyborg part down (titanium implant in my jaw. not as cool as it sounds), but i still need to learn some martial arts. karate doesn't count.

7. start having fun - i was having a lot of fun at davis, especially at the end of my junior year. after that everything has turned into utter shit.

8. lose weight - did it. this was probably the easiest thing on the list.

9. wheatpaste my pain - I don't even know what this means.

10.Visit Japan - Not happening anytime soon.

11.make a painting for each of my friends. - been thinking about this one a lot for the last year. when i get my "greatest idea ever" i'll start working on them.

12.buy a pair of air jordans - Nope. I'm waiting for the AJ 1's to come out.

13.make more friends - yes and no. made more friends, but i lost some important ones. changes in my lifestyle and the enforcing of certain rules is the major factor here.

14.do an installation - did it.

15.be shown in an exhibit - doing it again.

16.have all of my friends come to one of my exihibits - somewhat. hopefully mayb comes so this can be a reality.

17.be nicer - i tried to really really nice to people last year. i was miserable. it hard to care about people who really don't care about you.

18.have a solo exhibit - not yet. I'd have to be crazy prolific to be able to pull this off. I haven't made enough things to break my shitty habits of cutting corners and not wanting to push my techniques.

19.open up an art gallery - not yet. but this one is going to happen. i know it. ive already spoken to a friend about this proposition.

20.start doing graffiti again - yes and no. im incorporating certain elements of it back into my designs.

21.become a dj - i tried learning late last year and early this year. haven't had time to really sit down and make this one happen.

22.travel europe - went to spain. thats about it.

23.START MY OWN CLOTHING COMPANY - kind of. FH will have t-shirts at some point. I want to do more than sell t-shirts.

24.learn how to play the bass - nope. i completely forgot about this one. why learn the bass? i have no idea where my head was at when i wrote this.

25.be more social - sort of. see number 17

26.get braids - cant do it. im getting older. hair is thinning. i were to grow out my hair and get braids now i'd just ruin my hair.

27.Read more books - nope. still don't read enough.

28.meet mos def - nope. I did meet Aesop Rock which was really cool. Too bad I turned bitch and had absolutely nothing to say to him.

29.become a teacher - I was a TA once in college. Never again. Students complain and always finding ways to weasel out of doing their work properly. I can't stand that.

33. get a beagle - nope.

34. get a 4.0 gpa for once. not happening. I got a 3.75 once. collegiate average was 3.35. that's good right?

35. design my own pair of dunks - nope.

36. get a big ass katana - dumb. tridents are way cooler.

37. buy a lancer evolution seven - nah, but if i win the lottery rent one to drive cross country. that would be dope.

38. arrange a film score - nope. but there is always a possibility.

39. write a book - im going to be writing a graphic novel starting next year.

38. Dress better - in general, yes. i still have my off days. cant be awesome everyday.

39. Fall in love - Ha. dumb.

40. Take more pictures - working on it.

41. buy the entire fullmetal alchemist series - i just D/L it. cheaper.

42. paint everyday - nope

43. Learn Japanese - i dont even speak english correctly. how am i suppose to learn another language?
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