
Jan 22, 2011 09:44

Who: Helga and anyone brave enough!You might end up a test subject
Open? Yes, please jump in!
Where: The potions lab
When: Sometime after she made her discovery here
What: Helga tries to decide what makes a pepper-up potion potent, and how to mix it with chicken noodle soup.

Helga loved baking and cooking and inventing recipes and the likes. She was told it was probably because of her namesake, the legendary Helga Hufflepuff, was quite invested in those sort of things as well. A Muggle baker in her village once told her that cooking was a lot like chemistry, and after having to look up what 'chemistry' was, Helga came to the conclusion that it was a lot like Potions.

Thusly! Cooking was a lot like Potions.

At least in theory.

And what good was a theory if one didn't experiment with it? Not much of anything, of that she was certain. So after coming up with her new idea of combining a Pepper-up potion with the very classic chicken noodle soup, Helga wanted to see if she could make it work.

Of course, the first step was figuring out just what was in a Pepper-up potion and if the peppermint that it was named for was really such an important part. So she was perched on one of the stools in an empty potions work-room, a few books on potions laying open on her lap and the table before her.

helga, regulus

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