Someone failed on their saving-throw

Mar 12, 2009 09:00

My commute to work this morning was enhanced by a nice 45minute traffic jam (located, of course, almost within line of sight of my destination). After a nice long medatitative sit at the tollbooths I squeeze through, and make it onto the last leg of my highway jaunt and find what caused all the headache.

Someone managed to flip their jeep. We're talking a full wheels-up rollover. But what's amazing to me as I scooted past and floored it to the office, is that (1) they didn't jump the guard rail and roll down the embankment like most bad accidents in my area entail (2) the road at that point is on a very reasonabl 10degree uphill, three lanes, lots of visibility. So no tight turns, no blind spots, no merge lanes where agressive drivers might leap upon you... just.. someone cleared the 'dangerous' stretch where the two highways connect, then made it to the smooth bit after where everyone goes "ahhh" and THEN decided to find a way to flip their car.

Either they are the unluckiest person alive (still, hopefully), or they were really trying hard.

To be fair, old jeeps do have a track record of being somewhat topsy turvy. but still!

*moment of zen*
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