Here's a link my coworker gave me this morning after I gave him a funny look for one of his off the cuff quotes.
Murphy's Laws of Combat Somehow I figured it be the kind of thing a few people on my friend's list would be amused by.
I rather like #8 myself. It's very zen. The problem with coworker is that his stories about the army are always so nutty that you have to wonder whether he is actually remembering his tour of duty, or is reciting the subplots of 'Stripes' ... Then again, change 'army' for an assortment of contexts and I have the same problem with several of my coworkers... Either I'm incredibly gullible, or I work with a crew for whom 'wacky hijinks' are the norm.
... after 3-5 years with most of them, I'm leaning towards option 2. They're insane.
In other news. Love-tub-the-cat punched me in the nose at the crack of dawn this morning because he wanted breakfast. Proceeded to clean the bowl out in 3 minutes flat.
Guess the little bastard is feeling better *throws hands in the air*