Feb 04, 2009 10:29
What better excitement for a morning when you're already running late due to clearing snow off your car... then to realize on the highway... that you're out of windshield wiper fluid...
On one of those days when you HAVE to clean your windshield every quarter mile so you don't go blind?
Luckily, I had a spare gallon in the backseat, on a random intuition last month that it was going to be 'one of those winters'... Yeay psychic vibrations. This didn't solve the whole "you're in traffic outbound from Boston in rush hour on Wed. Morning" problem however. And of course the fluid well ran dry just as I was hitting a stretch where there are no pullover points, even for emergencies. Some how I limped along to a wider section of road without hitting anything, peering through the last quarter inch of 'clean' windshield... and tanked up with a huge sigh of relief. *whew*
Things I have learned: (1)My car is just too ergonomic to drive with one's head stuck out the window like a golden retriever. Or I'm too short. It's just not comfortable. (2) SUV ownerss that don't bother to sweep off their roof racks are evil. I'm sorry if any of my flist falls into that category, but really! take the extra five minutes! All that snow blowing off the top, gets all muddy, and sticks to my poor windshield, and then I go blind FASTER when I'm already semi-screwed and limping to a breakdown lane. Boooo.
On the plus side? I still was only 5 minutes late to work. so *whew* I hate running late when I'm the one running the seminar... all the attendees are good sports, but it's still not terribly professional.