This year's memory of dad

Jun 20, 2010 09:24

Hmmm seems like I need to catch up on some postin'!

Probably expect something crazy under the friend's cut for those of you who might
have an interest in my wacky RL hijinks in the months of... god, April through June?
It's been a very eventful spring. To say the least.

But as today is Father's Day. I feel the need to throw up the horns for my own
dearly-departed and say that he was an awesome dad, faults and all, and I still
think about him regularly.

I still remember fondly how we NEVER could get him to make a killing at the holidays
by applying as a mall-Santa on weekends. He had the perfect beard for it when he grew
it out right, (which he often did in winter because he couldn't be bothered to wear
a scarf).

He was low on style, but high on utility, and the assortment of oddball skills he gave me
(not to mention the jig-saw & power drill) have come in handy on numerous occasions.

Some days I feel a little guilty that his 'temporary urn' has now been his resting place for over 4 years... but then I remind myself, he was nothing if not a massive procrastinator, his entire life.

And I do say 'hi' to him every time I reach in to the shelving to fetch down one of his tools to go fix something around the apartment. So... I'm not too worried that he'd mind his protracted stay.

Every time the family tries to plan some 'memorial trip' to scatter his ashes, it gets derailed by politics/poverty/disaster so really at this point I'm just researching some reputable company that might do the job for me out in Maui. Either that or I should probably buy him a proper urn, and do the whole 'Don't ! My dad's in the room! Have some respect for the dead!' .... Which now I think about it. Would probably freak out my current landlord just a tad.

I'm a terrible person. Why didn't I think of this sooner?

Ah well, missed opportunities :-D

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